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The 2024 General Election Thread


Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)   

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)

    • Labour
    • Tory
    • Lib-Dems
    • Green
    • Reform
    • Other (Please State)
    • None, they can all fuck off
    • None - I'm not eligible to vote

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1 hour ago, skend04 said:



Not sure if this has been posted but this would make the non-rebuttal of the £2,000 tax increase claim tactical. The Tories have been copping a lot of flack today for it.

Interesting comment, that - but fuck me, it must be thirsty work hosting a phone-in!


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10 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

Classic Tory deflection when pulled on proper bona fide figures that don't suit your narrative just say I don't recognise the figures , they really are a party of fucking scumbags 

Is right.


But i am loving seeing them get properly pulled on it all....it all feels different to in the past when they got away with it time and time again and were able to control the narrative with their lies and get those lies to be believed.


They are going to lie more too as they become increasingly desperate and the more desperare they get the bigger the lies will become and the more they'll get taken apart.

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8 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

At 70% though, that could be 35 each. I'm not saying it's likely..I just think it feels there.might be a fight, if, and I realise it's a big if, labour can pull just 10% of those Tory votes. 

It’d be a cost benefit on resources.


It’d take a lot of time, people and money to make the campaign as effect as it could be there, which obviously takes away from other areas.


If you really want to be headline grabbing, go for it, but if you want to throw that money at 3/4 other marginals you have a chance of winning I know what I’d do.


The frog in parliament is neutered as a Reform MP, much like Galloway, the campaign is the cause, not the actual graft of being a constituency MP and he’ll hate it.


If he does move over to the Tories, that’s another matter.


Fuck him either way.

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8 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Right wing cranks (including Joey Barton) have been cryarsing about Farridge's Clactose intolerance, because "what if it wasn't a milkshake, but a medium-range nuclear missile?"


I think Joey Barton has a point, where does it end, today it was a milkshake but tomorrow it could be a lit cigar.

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34 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:


Funny how the bbc never seem to find anyone like that to interview.


Reporters going to towns and interviewing a few people from a population of perhaps a hundred thousand or more is utterly meaningless in telling us what the people of that town think. And that's the best case scenario. What sometimes happens is the reporter going to a town with an agenda, looking for people they think might satisfy that agenda, asking them what they think, cutting the ones that don't fit that agenda, and then presenting those that do as a sample of what that town thinks. They'll usually throw in one dissenting voice to avoid claims of bias.


Vox pops are lazy way of finding out what people think, they don't work, and are potentially malign.


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18 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


Reporters going to towns and interviewing a few people from a population of perhaps a hundred thousand or more is utterly meaningless in telling us what the people of that town think. And that's the best case scenario. What sometimes happens is the reporter going to a town with an agenda, looking for people they think might satisfy that agenda, asking them what they think, cutting the ones that don't fit that agenda, and then presenting those that do as a sample of what that town thinks. They'll usually throw in one dissenting voice to avoid claims of bias.


Vox pops are lazy way of finding out what people think, they don't work, and are potentially malign.



And yet, are increasingly being used by the bbc as some kind of barometer of public opinion. As you say, lazy at best and at worst, malign.


Edit: I've mentioned it before, but it's amazing how many people they seem to be finding at the moment who are of the opinion that "they're all the same".

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12 hours ago, A Red said:

You expect me to be the better man?

I can’t even get my head round your question.


I don’t understand why any reasonable adult would direct personal abuse towards anyone else or group of people.


 I’m reasonably politically engaged and I’m interested in the General Election so I’m drawn to the thread. It’s annoying and depressing to find it taken over by grown men  insulting each other

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Sunak and Starmer is way too boring for debates, there was no way I was watching that crap. They need to add the Green Party + Farage and Galloway so there's a chance of it being more amusing.

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13 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

Sunak and Starmer is way too boring for debates, there was no way I was watching that crap. They need to add the Green Party + Farage and Galloway so there's a chance of it being more amusing.


The BBC one on Frisay with Rayner, Mordaunt, Farage, Cooper, Denyer, Flynn and Ap Iorwerth might be a bit more interesting, but it is only 90 minutes long and they'll probably all just end up shouting over each other. I think they need to mute the other microphones when somebody is speaking.

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9 hours ago, an tha said:

Is right.


But i am loving seeing them get properly pulled on it all....it all feels different to in the past when they got away with it time and time again and were able to control the narrative with their lies and get those lies to be believed.


They are going to lie more too as they become increasingly desperate and the more desperare they get the bigger the lies will become and the more they'll get taken apart.


I felt a year or two m ago there was just a change across all of the media in letting them away with stuff. It was just before the truss debacle. There was something happened in the way Johnson dealt with them as they were finding more and more about what went on in COVID, which seemed to just make them all snap. And from a position of accepting their lies for 12 years unquestioned, almost over night it was assumed if words came out of the mouth of a Tory minister they were lies. I actually think we also saw something a little similar in the 2017 election. 


1 hour ago, Rushies tash said:


 I imagine that if you removed the top 1% of earners from that £1000 figure he was prattling on about, the disposable income for the average person would look very different. 

You maybe don't even need to remove the top 1%. I hope they keep telling us all we're all better off than 2010, because most people in the same circumstances are not. It'll just be seen as another lie. 

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1 hour ago, Rushies tash said:


 I imagine that if you removed the top 1% of earners from that £1000 figure he was prattling on about, the disposable income for the average person would look very different. 

The top 0.01%. 

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42 minutes ago, Champ said:

I can’t even get my head round your question.


I don’t understand why any reasonable adult would direct personal abuse towards anyone else or group of people.


 I’m reasonably politically engaged and I’m interested in the General Election so I’m drawn to the thread. It’s annoying and depressing to find it taken over by grown men  insulting each other

Apologies for my part in it. 

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