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Is World War 3 Imminent?



25 members have voted

  1. 1. Are we on the verge of WW3?

    • Yes. The powder keg is lit. We’re fucked and rightly so.
    • Nah, it will blow over.
  2. 2. Does Fuge Secretly Fancy PST?

    • Yes, he’s got his top off selfie picture on his ceiling
    • Yes, he’s got his top off selfie picture on his ceiling

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2 hours ago, Strontium said:


Not me, I don't read fiction.


I may watch the film in future.

How odd:  



“I read a lot when I was a kid (pre-internet era) and most of my favourites have been mentioned already.


- Game books, especially Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf and Way of the Tiger

- Roald Dahl, still love them to this day, and his adult fiction is superb too

- Enid Blyton (Famous Five and Secret Seven of course, but the less well known Five Find-Outers were the best) - even though my English teacher criticised me in school when I was 11 for reading "Noddy books"

- Loads of books by Usborne. Always had loads of ace pictures. They did history books on vikings, castles etc and nature spotters books, and puzzle adventure books. All excellent. Oh shit, and books on ghosts and demons and things, they were brilliant.”



Anyway who cares. Pray for Peace even if it makes you stupid etc 

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5 minutes ago, Strontium said:

Well done, you've quoted a 2017 post where I talk about the books I loved as a kid to "disprove" the notion that I don't read fiction in 2024.

I was just quoting it. Mainly because I don’t believe you all of a sudden don’t read fiction. But I might be wrong. Either way I don’t really care. Just thought I’d do what you do and bring up a random post from years ago to prove whatever you’re trying to prove. 

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

I was just quoting it. Mainly because I don’t believe you all of a sudden don’t read fiction. But I might be wrong. Either way I don’t really care. Just thought I’d do what you do and bring up a random post from years ago to prove whatever you’re trying to prove. 


As is evident from years of posting, what you believe, and what is, are two vastly differing things.


Unless you want to count comics, and I wouldn't, then the last fiction book I actually read probably was a collection of Roald Dahl short stories, probably shortly before I wrote that post.

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3 minutes ago, Strontium said:


As is evident from years of posting, what you believe, and what is, are two vastly differing things.


Unless you want to count comics, and I wouldn't, then the last fiction book I actually read probably was a collection of Roald Dahl short stories, probably shortly before I wrote that post.

Comics aren’t fiction? You learn something new everyday. Cheers for the heads up. 

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5 hours ago, Strontium said:


There used to be a pacifist tribe in New Zealand's Chatham Islands, the Moriori. I say used to, because they were almost completely wiped out by the mainland Maori, and the remaining few were assimilated. That whole "no wars" thing is a bit of a handicap when someone else decides that, actually, they'd quite like to have a war with you.


Let us not be stupid enough to ever make the same mistake the Moriori made.

Correct me If im wrong but wasn't Cs suggesting people in general should try peace, rather than 1 particular group?

It won't happen of couse because human being are,by nature,thick and greedy.

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Not war related but what fucking fresh hell is this?




World-leading scientists have called for a halt on research to create “mirror life” microbes amid concerns that the synthetic organisms would present an “unprecedented risk” to life on Earth.

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