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Gooners - They Have To Go


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1 hour ago, Binomial said:


One of the most embarrassing things you'll ever witness in football. It's worse than Spurs' "to dare is to do" motto or West Ham fans actually thinking they're champions of Europe.

Didn’t West Ham win the World Cup though? 

  • Haha 1
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Open the BBC sport page this morning to another massive article glazing the every living hell out of Saka for his goal involvements this season, the article of course does dedicate a line and a graph showing the only player who is outperforming him by 7 involvements(which are all goals scored as they are on the same number of assists) in Mo.


Don't get me wrong, Saka is an absolute talent but the sports media don't half love to bang his and Haalands drums any time they have a decent outing in a game.

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20 minutes ago, Tenfolder said:

Open the BBC sport page this morning to another massive article glazing the every living hell out of Saka for his goal involvements this season, the article of course does dedicate a line and a graph showing the only player who is outperforming him by 7 involvements(which are all goals scored as they are on the same number of assists) in Mo.


Don't get me wrong, Saka is an absolute talent but the sports media don't half love to bang his and Haalands drums any time they have a decent outing in a game.


He’s English. He’ll replace Kane as the great hope for tournament success, and like Kane, he’ll eventually carry the can for failure.

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45 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

They've won loads of corners thats his remit. He's corner champion of the world. Though if refs held them to the same standard every fucker else is treated with theyd be giving away free kicks.

Interesting that Monaco left three men up and a man outside the box which meant those fuckers couldn’t use their linebacker tactics at corners.

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35 minutes ago, Anubis said:


He’s English. He’ll replace Kane as the great hope for tournament success, and like Kane, he’ll eventually carry the can for failure.

Sadly he'll get it even worse than Kane for one reason alone.  

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1 hour ago, Tenfolder said:

Open the BBC sport page this morning to another massive article glazing the every living hell out of Saka for his goal involvements this season, the article of course does dedicate a line and a graph showing the only player who is outperforming him by 7 involvements(which are all goals scored as they are on the same number of assists) in Mo.


Don't get me wrong, Saka is an absolute talent but the sports media don't half love to bang his and Haalands drums any time they have a decent outing in a game.


The sorrow he'll feel when he's 31 and looks back on his Arsenal career having only won 1 FA cup.

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