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Gooners - They Have To Go


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All those Arsenal fans who were stroking their shafts and writing us off after a pretty ropey performance against Southampton will have lost wood after witnessing that performance last night.

Or maybe we’ll just get the “Real Madrid were shite and had loads of injuries” shouts to try and justify their hubris?

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Arsenal fans are fucking weird. 


I read comments from fans of other clubs and I generally think they're pricks, but at least there's some logic behind what they're saying and a good reason to hate each other.


I see some of the crap arsenal fans are chatting and I'm mostly just confused about how they can be so deranged. 


Constantly tying themselves in knots trying to convince everyone they're the greatest team in the world, then doing some Olympic level mental gymnastics to come up with reasons why they aren't where they rightfully should be, or why other teams are doing better. 

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On 28/11/2024 at 09:41, Vincent Vega said:

All those Arsenal fans who were stroking their shafts and writing us off after a pretty ropey performance against Southampton will have lost wood after witnessing that performance last night.

Or maybe we’ll just get the “Real Madrid were shite and had loads of injuries” shouts to try and justify their hubris?

I'm fine with that.  Let the dickheads underestimate us; it just hurts them more when we win.

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6 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I still think they will win it but aside from United I'm really on the side of if it's not us then anybody but Arsenal, I dont know if it stems from Arsenal tv but their fanbase is a mess.

You think Arsenal will win the league? 

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5 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

Nice to get a lecture off Lego head about how  tough it is to win the league.

We’ve only won at 19 fucking times mate, some of us remember past three years.

I know fuck me they’ve had 2 title challenges in the last 20 years and shit the bed in both fucking no mark 

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1 hour ago, Reckoner said:

Nice to get a lecture off Lego head about how  tough it is to win the league.

We’ve only won at 19 fucking times mate, some of us remember past three years.

‘The lead singer of Toploader has told Paul McCartney that some of his melodies are excellent.’ 

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