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Gooners - They Have To Go


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The entitlement shout is spot on and pretty funny as they've achieved fuck all in years. Heard all sorts of shouts about them being the only team that can stand up to City. They've not put up 90pts yet let alone mid 90pts and still not win. 


The first sign of a couple of injuries and they are mentally losing it. They could be 6th tomorrow afternoon. Already seeing sone of their Internet dickhead fans wanting lego head sacked

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1 minute ago, an tha said:

Same shite with abu dhabi.


The only players missing from their squad today were Bobb, Grealish and Rodri.


Really don't know what's going on with them as they seem to have let the squad get thinner and thinner the past few years. 

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2 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


Really don't know what's going on with them as they seem to have let the squad get thinner and thinner the past few years. 

Seems like they've maybe got less real standout players and more what you might call solid ones.


But the crying from that weirdo Guardiola about injuries is laughable - he was making out he had 13 fit players the other day, but like i say they were missing 3 from their squad today and one of them (Bobb) is not exactly a key man.

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22 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

The entitlement shout is spot on and pretty funny as they've achieved fuck all in years. Heard all sorts of shouts about them being the only team that can stand up to City. They've not put up 90pts yet let alone mid 90pts and still not win. 


The first sign of a couple of injuries and they are mentally losing it. They could be 6th tomorrow afternoon. Already seeing sone of their Internet dickhead fans wanting lego head sacked


The sense of entitlement coupled with the way they seem to be ridiculously pumped up and emotional all the fucking time makes it especially hilarious when it all goes wrong.

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Anyhoo, watching Arsenal back to back in games vs us and Newcastle got me thinking… were they really ever that good?


Strong at the back, pace in forward positions, good at set pieces. 

I could be describing most Allerdyce or Pulis teams there. 

IMO, Arsenal need to spend more time on the training field playing attractive football than having Saka or Rice swing corners into the back post for the big lads to attack. 

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19 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Anyhoo, watching Arsenal back to back in games vs us and Newcastle got me thinking… were they really ever that good?


Strong at the back, pace in forward positions, good at set pieces. 

I could be describing most Allerdyce or Pulis teams there. 

IMO, Arsenal need to spend more time on the training field playing attractive football than having Saka or Rice swing corners into the back post for the big lads to attack. 

Odegaard makes all the difference. When he plays, everything goes through him, he gives them fluency and creativity. I could never figure out why more teams didn’t set out to nullify him. 

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8 minutes ago, DaveT said:

Odegaard makes all the difference. When he plays, everything goes through him, he gives them fluency and creativity. I could never figure out why more teams didn’t set out to nullify him. 

Yeah, fair. Still, they shouldn’t be so off the pace with 1 player out.

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