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Gooners - They Have To Go


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So, given the Podcast has decided there are decent Arsenal fans and, well, Gooners, I thought we’d have a dedicated thread to the latter in memory of our fallen visitor, Abs.


They seem to have grown exponentially in the last few seasons and are now a social media menace.


I mean, where do you go with this fuckwittery.



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37 minutes ago, Anubis said:

So, given the Podcast has decided there are decent Arsenal fans and, well, Gooners, I thought we’d have a dedicated thread to the latter in memory of our fallen visitor, Abs.


They seem to have grown exponentially in the last few seasons and are now a social media menace.


I mean, where do you go with this fuckwittery.



"God's child, Saka" is still picking Joe Gomez's pocket fluff out of his hair.

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42 minutes ago, Special K said:

I stated earlier that they are the worst fanbase in the country. They are a load of clueless, FIFA playing, entitled bellends.


Yes, we can all hate the Manchester teams and Everton, but Arsenal fans are a different breed of dickhead.

I would honestly have Arsenal fans as the second most mentally ill fanbase in the country after the toffees. 

I fucking hate the mancs but they’re not as insane as the Arsenal lot. Bitter, spiteful, arrogant, violent dickheads, yes, but not as completely bonkers as the Gunners.

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1 minute ago, joe_fishfish said:

I would honestly have Arsenal fans as the second most mentally ill fanbase in the country after the toffees. 

I fucking hate the mancs but they’re not as insane as the Arsenal lot. Bitter, spiteful, arrogant, violent dickheads, yes, but not as completely bonkers as the Gunners.

You obviously don’t live anywhere near Leeds. 

The worst by a mile. The countless morons that follow them pride themselves on it. 

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40 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

She's just an attention-seeking child; I'm already feeling sorry for her, because it's Twitter and she's going to get loads of the wrong type of attention.



I think she'd be pretty happy with that, judging by the rest of her Tweets...

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37 minutes ago, Mudface said:


I think she'd be pretty happy with that, judging by the rest of her Tweets...

I think she's looking for some sort of positive affirmation for her tits and arse, rather than the DM dick pics and rape threats that she'll probably get.


She's jumped into a sewer and she doesn't appear to be mature enough to realise that or deal with it.


She's best ignored.

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15 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I think she's looking for some sort of positive affirmation for her tits and arse, rather than the DM dick pics and rape threats that she'll probably get.


She's jumped into a sewer and she doesn't appear to be mature enough to realise that or deal with it.


She's best ignored.


Especially with this, the horrible fucker!



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From when Wenger took over, Arsenal had a case for arguing they were up there with the Red Mancs and us, and they actually won things.
They played good football and went toe to toe with Ferguson for several years, however from when they got rid of Wenger, they became more petulant and entitled, appearing to think they were the only team to play anything other than hoof ball, but without actually winning anything.

Now, they play decent stuff at times, and actually look as though they could start to win things again, but the manner in which they look down on other teams grates because they haven’t actually won anything since 2020 when they won the FA Cup, unless you count a Charity Shield win over City earlier this season.

Last League title as 2003/4, Champions League - nada.

Not really grounds for having the superiority complex some of them do, although they are more storied than City, Chelsea or Newcastle.



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Their players look under pressure constantly and like they aren't enjoying their football. You see the little arguments and the desperate play when they're up against it. It's the sort of desperation a 20 year wait for the title can bring where every dropped point feels like the end.


Their fans aren't helping too especially the Gooner element. They watch footy for the bantz and the things levelled back at them by similar minded people is that they're bottlers. When they seem their team struggle in a game they take out their frustration on them because they lose the upper hand in their little bantz wars. That just breeds resentment in the end.


They have a very good team but they'll win nothing this season.

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Fuck arsenal social media dickheads, this girl is just seeing the money others have made before being a twat. 


I think we're giving them exactly what they want by having a dedicated thread to them. There'll be millions of them at it by the end of the season when they're trying to cling on for 4th, 15 points off the top. 

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9 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Fuck arsenal social media dickheads, this girl is just seeing the money others have made before being a twat. 


I think we're giving them exactly what they want by having a dedicated thread to them. There'll be millions of them at it by the end of the season when they're trying to cling on for 4th, 15 points off the top. 

Agreed.  Neither the team nor their fans merit a thread of their own.


It's 20 years since they won the league and I can't remember when they last had a proper title challenge.

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