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Man City (A) - Sat 25th Nov 2023 (12:30pm)


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I think we've been defensively excellent? These are brilliant and have won 23 in a row at home. You have to be pretty much perfect to beat them, and we have been except for alissons one mistake, and our use of the ball in the final third. Small margins

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The only benefit to having Alexander-Arnold in the "hybrid" role is quite often there's someone competent/willing occupying the area of the field a right back would. 


On days when that's not possible, i.e. today, I'd be playing Gomez. 

I'd be bringing him on at half time. 


Fuck that leg dangling shit.

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Very frustrating half, only ourselves to blame for being one down. They haven’t been better than us. 

We’re lacking serious conviction and belief when we’re attacking. Darwin and Jones have been really really bad. Szobo, Mac and Matip been good for us.


Gakpo, Lucho and Diaz In next 15 Jurgen.

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

I'd sit Nunez down and make him watch videos of Torres and Owen making runs at half time. He looks low on confidence today and he fucking well shouldn't be.




He makes plenty of runs, we're just not hitting them quick enough, giving City time to get back. Jones and Macallister seem to want too long on the ball. I'd replace both at half time for Gravenberch and Elliott.

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I'm sorry but that one piss-poor half from us. Fucking brainless all over the park. This is a list of stuff I witnessed that half:


Poor decision making in attack

No one tracking runners

Half arsed pressing

No one putting a tackle in

Ponderous at the back


In short it was fucking abysmal. That Ake dribble wouldn't be acceptable in Sunday league, he walked around three of our players and then VVD and Matip just stand there with the big galoot in the middle of them, he didn't even make a smart run!


Utter shite!!!

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Some balls and some conviction would be nice , klopp needs to get into these cunts at halftime.

Gakpo is by far our most intelligent attacker and he's sat on the fucking bench

On 23/11/2023 at 23:02, El Rojo said:

Big loss alright. Surely we play Gomez at LB. 

Quansah gets in before Gomez for me . 

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All feels eerily similar so far today to how we used to lose games to the top sides pre Klopp/pre us being good again frankly.


We were always in the games mostly, but one or two moments would go against us/we'd fuck up and gift a goal and go down narrowly but without really ever looking hugely likely to win it.



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