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Toulouse (A) - EL Grp E, Thurs 9th Nov 2023 (5:45pm)


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No point reading lots into this performance. We’ve been poor, maybe bordering on unprofessional at times. But we’ll win the group.
We’ll beat Lask easily enough at home.

Sloppy as fuck, hope for much better on Sunday as we have to be at a high level to see off Brentford. 

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1 minute ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

There's no style to our play its crap. 

We haven't really had an identity to our play since the end of the quadruple chasing season...we've been scratching around trying to find a new one and trying different things with very mixed results.

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2 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

I mean call me glass half empty but given the eulogising everybody’s done about this side all season has anybody stopped to think that actually were really not very good? We are unbelievably easy to “get at”


Not signing a proper number six is starting to hurt us.


Endo is nowhere near good enough for us and Mac Alister struggles to play there.

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Disgraceful none performance this.


It should not be possible for us to be this bad.


And Mac Allister is fucking shit.


Can you imagine  City ever being  this poor and losing to this quality of opposition.


The scoreline flatters us. Absolutely dreadful.

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Just now, Redder Lurtz said:

I still don't know what MacAllister is for. Also I don't think elliot us going to make it here. He looks like a nearly man every time I see him. Almost scored, almost got an assist. Just didn't. 


He's only 20.

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