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PODCAST: Newcastle 1 Liverpool 2 - Match Reaction

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16 hours ago, Moo said:


Nah it was a comment on how no one seems to know what anyone really does behind the scenes these days and what Shmadtke's job is etc.


Thinking on though, they've got the job of Szobo and MacAllister done and nearly everyone seems happy with them so there must be capability there? 

(general question, not specifically directed at you Paul)


Julian Ward did the Mac Allister deal, even stayed on an extra week to get it over the line. As for Dom, it was a release clause so no difficult negotiating. I'm assuming Ibiza George dotted the i's and crossed the t's on it, but who knows. We were told that Billy Hogan did all the negotiating with Brighton for Caicedo, so yeah it's hard to know who's doing what right now. 


Mac and Dom look like they'll be two genuinely brilliant signings though and I'm made up with them. Everything that has happened since suggests we're pretty useless at this transfers game.


Still a few days to learn from the mistakes and get something done though. We'll see.

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Really enjoyed this.


Disagree a bit about the Virgil bit and think he has been excellent during the second half of last season and the start of this one even behind a totally porous midfield. His demeanour is of course a bit casual and arrogant, but that's who he is and he won't be able to suddenly turn into a John Terry snarler type, and our high line tactics don't give him the option of giving himself 2 or 3 yards like a Sami type. I still think he is the best CB in the league albeit down from his immortal best.


Surprised how little the referee got mentioned.

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10 hours ago, dave u said:


Julian Ward did the Mac Allister deal, even stayed on an extra week to get it over the line. As for Dom, it was a release clause so no difficult negotiating. I'm assuming Ibiza George dotted the i's and crossed the t's on it, but who knows. We were told that Billy Hogan did all the negotiating with Brighton for Caicedo, so yeah it's hard to know who's doing what right now. 


Mac and Dom look like they'll be two genuinely brilliant signings though and I'm made up with them. Everything that has happened since suggests we're pretty useless at this transfers game.


Still a few days to learn from the mistakes and get something done though. We'll see.


Surely Klopp's not involved in the negotiations side of things (is any manager)?  And if he somehow is then he shouldn't be, and I don't think it would be through choice.

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I think he's involved now (not so much in discussions with agents and other clubs, but more so with the people we have doing those discussions). He would have always had a say anyway, but it's been widely reported that he has much more say now than he did previously. I agree that it's probably not something he was looking for, but he's probably ended up with more responsibility thrust upon him just because of the vacuum left when Edwards (and then, to a lesser extent, Ward) left.

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