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Just now, Sparky said:


Enzo Fernandez's French Chelsea teammate calling out his/their "uninhibited racism".

The most important thing in all this is… Mac Allister allegedly got another bus. 

I think that’s Emiliano Martinez banging the window on the other side of the bus. 

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8 hours ago, Sparky said:


Enzo Fernandez's French Chelsea teammate calling out his/their "uninhibited racism".

a load of Chelsea players have unfollowed him after that. That’s going to be an awkward return to pre season. The Chelsea PR team going to be working overtime. It’ll be interesting to see what their (the Club) stance is.

absolute twats though I hope they have book thrown at them. 

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8 hours ago, Sparky said:


Enzo Fernandez's French Chelsea teammate calling out his/their "uninhibited racism".


Fair play to Fofana for publicly calling out a teammate like that. Sincerely hoping MacAllister wasn’t singing it to, or he can get to fuck as well. 



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8 hours ago, whtwht said:

anyone else wondered  why there was a lack of Black players in Argentina?


Not really

97% of Argentinians are from European backgrounds. The other 3% a mixture of Mestizo, Amerindian or non whites. 

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1 hour ago, JohnnyH said:


Fair play to Fofana for publicly calling out a teammate like that. Sincerely hoping MacAllister wasn’t singing it to, or he can get to fuck as well. 



He was on a different bus, so he wasn't filmed singing it.  I wouldn't be completely surprised if it kicked off on that bus, too.


Fernandez has issued a standard "apology" about how he got caught up in the celebrations and that song "doesn't reflect my values or who I am as a person" (or something like that).  The thing is, though, it does.  No doubt there's plenty of stuff that he (and his teammates) wouldn't sing in any circumstances; but this racist "banter" doesn't cross that line; so, yeah, it does reflect their values.  The whole squad (on both buses!) need to have a good look at themselves and try to learn from this.

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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:


Not really

97% of Argentinians are from European backgrounds. The other 3% a mixture of Mestizo, Amerindian or non whites. 

Not entirely true and I'd suggest quite a few on that bus have a look at their family tree. Not to mention their greatest ever player is of Afro descent.

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3 hours ago, Smell The Glove said:

Do you live in South America?


No, unfortunately not.


My missus is Brazilian, so I've been hearing for years how awful Argentinians are. Portuguese, as well.

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9 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

He was on a different bus, so he wasn't filmed singing it.  I wouldn't be completely surprised if it kicked off on that bus, too.


Fernandez has issued a standard "apology" about how he got caught up in the celebrations and that song "doesn't reflect my values or who I am as a person" (or something like that).  The thing is, though, it does.  No doubt there's plenty of stuff that he (and his teammates) wouldn't sing in any circumstances; but this racist "banter" doesn't cross that line; so, yeah, it does reflect their values.  The whole squad (on both buses!) need to have a good look at themselves and try to learn from this.

That song has a lot of words, they’ve not just not come up with that on the fly. 

Like the City players and Sean Cox. 

They know what they’re saying. Really poor. 



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