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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:

Brazil lose


Somehow the Brazil fans will blame Alisson for onl saving 1 pen, not Militao and Luiz taking shit pens. 


The Brazil fans really don't seem to rate Alisson at all

I was in the stadium. Uruguay has some really passionate fans. I enjoyed the experience for sure but Brasil’s attack was disappointing to say the least. Not that Uruguay was much better but they seemed to have a plan. Endrick needs to get his head up on the ball if he’s going be anything like his hype says he should, and stop falling down at every opportunity too. 

Alisson chose the correct way for every penalty but the last one and if they weren’t perfectly placed he would’ve had more than one save. Militao’s penalty was a classic safe pen and if you hit then like that then there’s a chance they get saved, didn’t even really have power on it and mid-goal. Luiz maybe was a bit unlucky but as you said, can’t expect your keeper to bail you out twice against another talented team. 

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3 hours ago, Saintslfc13 said:

I was in the stadium. Uruguay has some really passionate fans. I enjoyed the experience for sure but Brasil’s attack was disappointing to say the least. Not that Uruguay was much better but they seemed to have a plan. Endrick needs to get his head up on the ball if he’s going be anything like his hype says he should, and stop falling down at every opportunity too. 

Alisson chose the correct way for every penalty but the last one and if they weren’t perfectly placed he would’ve had more than one save. Militao’s penalty was a classic safe pen and if you hit then like that then there’s a chance they get saved, didn’t even really have power on it and mid-goal. Luiz maybe was a bit unlucky but as you said, can’t expect your keeper to bail you out twice against another talented team. 

Nice. I would love to have gone to a Copa game.


My wife’s cousin lives in Austin, his girlfriend is from Venezuela (she’s lovely). They went to the Jamaica game but I don’t think he could get the day off work to go to the Canada game in Dallas. 

The US side looks a mess at the moment, Columbia showed them what a crock of shite Panama are.

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Old mate of mine made Welsh manager. He's got hell of a job on his hands. Bellamy has done loads over the years for the kids hospital up the road from me. His whole family and especially his old man Doug will be proud as punch today.  Good luck to him. 







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