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I was going to go out for a pint later but have decided against it as I would be surrounded by pissed up Rangers and Celtic supporters, both of whom are fucking massive twats.


I fucking hate Rangers and Celtic games at Hampden, the gang of gobshites.

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Just now, Section_31 said:

Guardiola being a tit on the post match, he really is a weirdo.


I saw him on the touchline appealing fir a foul, he must have done that horrible little spit he does a dozen times in a few seconds. Bizarre man.

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Didn't watch the game - obviously - but what the hell is it about these idiots? Season after season, they've been laughably bad, and yet, almost without most people noticing, they've still won stuff and finished, most times, far higher than you ever expected. And most seasons, in spite of being way superior to them, we've hardly ever thumped the bastards. It's really, really, odd.

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Shame they couldn't both lose, but in a way it's better that City and Guardiola didn't add another pot to the pile. Ten Hag's team has been absolutely shit in the league during his tenure, but the club's pact with the devil has meant that they've had enough spawn in the domestic cups over that same period.

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