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Although I’ve no love at all for Chelsea, it was funny seeing those scab Forest twats being shut up yesterday. 

At least Burnley and Luton with their shite ground and away allocations are going, with a couple of significantly bigger away allocations taking their place (hopefully WBA don’t come up).


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3 hours ago, George Costanza said:

Arsenal will thump them like we should have done

Arsenal have 1 win in 16 there, even we have a better record than that. 

They’ve taken some dreadful hidings there down the years. 


I know this type of stuff shouldn’t have any bearing on today, like us going there, it wouldn’t surprise if it does. 

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Arsenal fans all over twitter last night complaining how horrible it was to watch Man City games, seeing them roll to an easy victory. Making the point that they won’t ever see Arsenal play better football consistently than this season. If they still don’t win due to a cheating team what is the point? Wish we’d though of that.

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3 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

Arsenal fans all over twitter last night complaining how horrible it was to watch Man City games, seeing them roll to an easy victory. Making the point that they won’t ever see Arsenal play better football consistently than this season. If they still don’t win due to a cheating team what is the point? Wish we’d though of that.


Once again funny how this is now dawning on them, they were absolutely fine with the anyone but Liverpool shouts though.

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1 minute ago, Reckoner said:

Arsenal fans all over twitter last night complaining how horrible it was to watch Man City games, seeing them roll to an easy victory. Making the point that they won’t ever see Arsenal play better football consistently than this season. If they still don’t win due to a cheating team what is the point? Wish we’d thought of that.

I’ve no idea why the few clubs capable of challenging them - ourselves and Arsenal at the moment - aren’t more proactive in looking for the charges to be acted on. 

Arsenal should be champions this season and we should have at least two more titles ourselves.

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Just now, an tha said:

Arsenal unchanged again.


No Fernandes for the mancs - Arsenal's luck with this sort of thing is quite something. Fernandes literally never misses games, Arsenal of course have managed to pull the week he finally does.

True the little Rat is their best player and likley scorer

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