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18 hours ago, sir roger said:

I tip my cap to you guys who can watch City games. 


I work out when their games are going to finish and give it an extra ten minutes on top before I go on BBC Sport to see their result. I have started doing the same with Arsenal.

Rep this for me, lads. Out of fire.

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4 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

The yellows United get away with constantly, shapes their results its insane their whole team is like Rodri.


I really am trying to say this in as neutral manner as possible, but the way they get reffed is so differently to 90% of the other teams in the league.

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Casting an eye towards midweek and there's absolutely no quit in Luton.


They're dogged and physical, love to scrap for 2nd balls and they aren't ashamed to boot the fucker long, but their Achilles heel has to be their gung ho all out attack attitude, both a blessing and a curse, but they consistently leave themselves wide open on the counter.


Tailor made for our flying forwards.

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