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Hall of Fame - Class of 2021

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Scott, Heighway, Smith and Whelan.

Could have voted for all of them though.


Scott was a funny choice in a way because I'm going on what I've heard and read rather than my own personal opinion.


Heighway was one of my favourite players as a kid. 


Smith was clearly a nasty piece of work. There is casual racism that can be placed in a context of a period of time and then there is nastiness. Smith falls into the latter. However, on a playing aspect, he was a collosal player who played a gigantic role in our success of the 60s and 70s. That's why I voted for him.


Whelan was a lovely footballer. I only liked him initially to piss of an older brother who hated him because Ray Kennedy was his idol and he hated Whelan when he broke into the team but he personified that great player we had in abundance back then who often quietly went under the radar of the media. Says it all how good he was that Sheedy who would make an Everton all time 11 and who was outstanding in his own right, wasn't on his level. All of the greats from that era who played with him loved him as did the boot room,  so he gets my choice.

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