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Dominik Szoboszlai - Welcome to Liverpool

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2 minutes ago, Paulie Dangerously said:

For someone who's "thing" was meant to be blockbuster shooting he seems unwilling to pull the trigger a lot of the time. Are outside of the box shots banned by Slot or is he just having the yips?


We don't like players shooting from outside the box because it's statistically a lower chance of scoring than if we make an extra pass.


I do agree with you though, the space seems to open up for a shot, the doesn't know what to do and then gives it away.

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to be fair, there were a number of clear shooting opportunities yesterday for a number of players, and they almost all refused to take them on and passed the ball sideways to a colleague who was invariably in a slightly worse position.  Retaining possession at the cost of genuine chances to score is not a great idea.  

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4 minutes ago, Scott_M said:


We don't like players shooting from outside the box because it's statistically a lower chance of scoring than if we make an extra pass.


I hate this nerdy, football by spreadsheet approach. Think of all the incredible goals throughout football history that would never have happened if these stat obsessed chin strokers had their way. Get in the fucking bin, nerds.

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12 minutes ago, Paulie Dangerously said:

For someone who's "thing" was meant to be blockbuster shooting he seems unwilling to pull the trigger a lot of the time. Are outside of the box shots banned by Slot or is he just having the yips?

I think they are banned by every modern manager. The only exception to the rule seems to be Cole Palmer, because he's so thick he just understand any commands. Hell of a player though! 

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On 18/09/2024 at 04:58, VladimirIlyich said:

8 goals in 50 games ( suspect that includes sub appearances and games where he has been subbed?) is not a bad return for a midfielder in our set up. I don't think he's anywhere near as bad as people are saying here. 

They rarely are tbh, people definitely kneejerk a bit.

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1 hour ago, Paulie Dangerously said:

For someone who's "thing" was meant to be blockbuster shooting he seems unwilling to pull the trigger a lot of the time. Are outside of the box shots banned by Slot or is he just having the yips?

He's just hesitating when going forward, I think as soon as his confidence picks up he'll be on fire. I think people see form and judge actual ability off of it. If a player isn't doing something well, it must mean they CANT do it. We easily forget how much mindset and confidence play into what we see on the pitch.

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49 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

The problem isn't shooting outside the box, it's missing from 5 yards out and shitting his pants from the same spot against Man United. He makes enough quality runs into the box, where he should score a decent amount of goals, even if he takes almost no shots from outside the box.

He hardly shat his pants when we are 3 up, he was trying to embarrass them and I'm all for that. Should have scored no doubt and I wouldn't blame him for the miss yesterday either. 9/10 decent contact and that goes in. There's enough to moan about but those misses aren't any of them.

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1 hour ago, TheSire said:

He's just hesitating when going forward, I think as soon as his confidence picks up he'll be on fire. I think people see form and judge actual ability off of it. If a player isn't doing something well, it must mean they CANT do it. We easily forget how much mindset and confidence play into what we see on the pitch.


When's his confidence liable to pick up? He's been pants for 12 months now.

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4 hours ago, chrisbonnie said:

I think they are banned by every modern manager. The only exception to the rule seems to be Cole Palmer, because he's so thick he just understand any commands. Hell of a player though! 


you don't mind thick players as long as they're smart instinctive footballers.  God knows we've had more than our fair share of crayon munchers.

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1 hour ago, Mook said:


When's his confidence liable to pick up? He's been pants for 12 months now.

He looked good early on, something else is obviously going on as it's the hesitation with the ball that's letting him down. He's obviously doing enough in training and on the pitch to get picked but hopefully we see him relax a bit when there's a chance to play someone in or hit a shot early. If he can sort that, there's a good player there.

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1 minute ago, KevieG said:

He's not playing well but you can't fault that effort yesterday, connects well, hits it with pace at point blank range. 

I can Kev. His dismal performance yesterday on the back of a number this season, is becoming too frustrating. 

We all want him to succeed, but for whatever reason, it feels like we are carrying him at spells during games, whilst he’s offering very little, and misses like that - show that at the moment, it just ain’t working for him - plus when Curtis come on, he showed more control  and precision, tells me Curtis should be given the nod for a few games. 
Dom is a professional, he should recognise himself that he’s not setting the world alight and it’s time to try something different. 

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6 hours ago, dave u said:


I hate this nerdy, football by spreadsheet approach. Think of all the incredible goals throughout football history that would never have happened if these stat obsessed chin strokers had their way. Get in the fucking bin, nerds.



Listening to Ian Grahams book and he spends ages talking up Coutinho and then saying how he hated him shooting from distance and hates anyone doing it and the stats show....


I'm sure these data nerds would rather the game was played on a FM simulation game or robots programmed to play a certain way. 


The last couple of chapters have been boring as fuck and reads like they need everyone to understand how they get the game more than anyone else


At the same time he says he pushed for Edwards to watch Kieta because of stats and then keeps saying how he was great when he played buy injuries held him back. Half switched off listening since that

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