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Is Trent Really Worth It?

The Trent Problem   

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41 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


Why? Trent is supposed to sacrifice what he gains from his career to line the pockets of some Bostonian billionaires? We're not a community club, we are a vehicle to make billionaires richer. The club offered him a very well paid contract, which he signed and is honouring (clue in the word honouring). If Trent had a career ending injury today, do you think the club would offer him a new deal? 


A cunts trick would be going on strike to get a move. He's not doing anything of the sort. He's working through his contract and our club owners and executives are unable to convince him his future is here and sign another one. 


The owners are not LFC.

I don't blame him for having no loyalty whatsoever to them (if that's the case) but it'd be nice if a boyhood supporter of Liverpool, the supporters and it's legends and it's history, could be respectful when leaving. You know how leaving on a free looks if you're a big name player, it looks shit on the club you're leaving.

It might not happen of course but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it does.

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25 minutes ago, Moo said:


The owners are not LFC.

I don't blame him for having no loyalty whatsoever to them (if that's the case) but it'd be nice if a boyhood supporter of Liverpool, the supporters and it's legends and it's history, could be respectful when leaving. You know how leaving on a free looks if you're a big name player, it looks shit on the club you're leaving.

It might not happen of course but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it does.


FSG are LFC. Certainly from a commercial point of view, which is all this is, a commercial discussion. He has a contract, we failed to get him to sign another. We are after all a club that refuses to enter into release clauses, so he's honouring the contract he has and if he fancies something else, it's likely this is his only way to go. You mightn't like that look, but they're just commercial realities. It certainly doesn't make it a cunts trick.


As I say, a cunts trick would be forcing a move while under contract. 



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59 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


FSG are LFC. Certainly from a commercial point of view, which is all this is, a commercial discussion. He has a contract, we failed to get him to sign another. We are after all a club that refuses to enter into release clauses, so he's honouring the contract he has and if he fancies something else, it's likely this is his only way to go. You mightn't like that look, but they're just commercial realities. It certainly doesn't make it a cunts trick.


As I say, a cunts trick would be forcing a move while under contract. 




I wouldn't disagree if it's only viewed with a commercial lens but these things aren't, it's more than a business to the supporters and "the club" (excluding FSG).  FSG are just there to sign the cheques, or not as the case may be.

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2 minutes ago, Moo said:


I wouldn't disagree if it's only viewed with a commercial lens but these things aren't, it's more than a business to the supporters and "the club" (excluding FSG).  FSG are just there to sign the cheques, or not as the case may be.

Yes, but this is Trent's career. What's he supposed to do if he fancies something else? Risk it all so FSG can make 80m on him? As I say, we don't do release clauses, so it leaves players hands tied. If they want to go, they need to leave for free. The club seems happy with that set up, there seems little effort to sell him now. 

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He's always come across as a bit of an arrogant prick , so I highly doubt loyalty to the fans or the club are high on his list of priorities.

We have better midfielders and a better right back already here.

This is a perfect opportunity for Slotta to make a statement. Sign a contract, or fuck off!!!!!!!

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8 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

If he's a Liverpool fan he should want the club to make a buck so it can be reinvested in the team he loves. Doesn't have to be a 5 year deal he signs or commits too. We just can't let him go for free it would be a new level of incompetence.

Why should he care about reinvesting in thenteam? Our owners are rich enough and have made billions in their time here. How much of that is reinvested?


And we can let him go for free. We've don't it with loads of players. For whatever reason, our owners don't really seem to care about that. It's their deal or no deal. And if it's no deal, the player gets his free. 

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10 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

If he's a Liverpool fan he should want the club to make a buck so it can be reinvested in the team he loves. Doesn't have to be a 5 year deal he signs or commits too. We just can't let him go for free it would be a new level of incompetence.

Slightly outdated take. 

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14 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Similar too - you put the guy in the back on the right side - 2 minutes later he is sloshing around up front on the left.


Usually needs some other items to deal with it being miles out of position.

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Genuine question, would you rate Trent as a generational talent based on his performances over the last 2 years. I personally wouldn’t and wonder why this is the case, has he had his head turned by Real Madrid, is his best position different to how he has been used, has he developed a different attitude in his play or did he benefit in the past from a perfect storm in both manager and team mates?


I wouldn’t write off the chance of him being brilliant in midfield but I also wouldn’t be advocating it as a done deal based on the last 2 years.


At least beans have been consistent for a long time.



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3 minutes ago, Slotball said:

Trent would be bombed out by Madrid in less than 6 months. The question is would we be dumb enough to sign him when he comes crawling back?



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