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Is Trent Really Worth It?

The Trent Problem   

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Is TAA worth building a team around?

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47 minutes ago, Smell The Glove said:

Just nonsense talk. Same as we looked better without Salah. Go the whole season without Salah and Trent and see where we end up.


The best game we played last season came without both, our right side was fluid, full of energy and linked up superbly and it'd be silly to deny we didn't play some of our best football during that period at the start of the year where we totally outclassed Newcastle, Bournemouth and Chelsea. Smashed City from pillar to post at home in a game where Trent wasn't involved and Salah came on so there's enough evidence there we'll be just fine if we can source suitable replacements because they'll come a time in the not too distant future where we will be without them.

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I'm completely meh on him signing an extension or leaving. He's been bang average for 2 years now. He probably needs a fresh start himself, he's gone stale.

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59 minutes ago, Smell The Glove said:

Some fucking nutcases on here who think we'd be better off without Salah and Trent. They are the only 2 players who create chances.

Yet we still find ways to score 4+ against Chelsea, Bournemouth, Brentford, Luton, Newcastle, Sparta, Norwich whilst actually functioning like a team and looking more sound overall. 


Funny that.

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4 minutes ago, Binomial said:

Yet we still find ways to score 4+ against Chelsea, Bournemouth, Brentford, Luton, Newcastle, Sparta, Norwich whilst actually functioning like a team and looking more sound overall. 


Funny that.

Brilliant. Let's hope we play 60 games against them.

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6 minutes ago, Binomial said:

Yet we still find ways to score 4+ against Chelsea, Bournemouth, Brentford, Luton, Newcastle, Sparta, Norwich whilst actually functioning like a team and looking more sound overall. 


Funny that.

Well you can say that then you can point to the points we’ve won by having them in the team. Before we start on the silverware. 


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6 minutes ago, Smell The Glove said:

Brilliant. Let's hope we play 60 games against them.


On earth are you talking about? You can't possibly be implying Trent turns up and creates bundles of chances game after game. Before I carry this on, I'd like to know how many drinks you've had tonight.  

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10 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Well you can say that then you can point to the points we’ve won by having them in the team. Before we start on the silverware. 



Of course we've won games with them....just as we have without and at times won in better fashion, that wasn't the point I was making here. STG stated "they're the ONLY 2 players that create chances", well it must be a miracle how we've managed to score so many goals when they haven't been on the pitch then.

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1 minute ago, Binomial said:


Of course we've won games with them....just as we have without and at times won in better fashion, that wasn't the point I was making here. STG stated "they're the ONLY 2 players that create chances", well it must be a miracle how we've managed to score so many goals when they haven't been on the pitch then.

They're not the only 2. Robbo as well.

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I'm getting really fucked off with the building narrative around Trent. 


I was listening to a podcast today talking about England's potential squad for 2026 and who would play RB, and names like Reece James and Livramento were getting put alongside Trent, and I'm now fuming. 


I just watched a YT video of Trent's first 100 assists and goals. 

I'm struggling to find a similar video for a 25 year old fullback.  I'm fact I'm struggling to find one for a 25 year old PL midfielder or winger. 


I don't give a fuck about the tawdry nonsense about his defending, he's been tasked with covering a quarter of the field on his own, there's downsides to that, it's a miracle he does as well as he does.  He's fucking brilliant.  


That said. 

He's let this contract thing get out of hand. He should be our top earner now. If we haven't offered that then I side with him.  If we have offered that and he's still not signed then he needs to go this summer. 

He's a fan, he should remember the days of Macca and Owen, we don't like being fucked by Madrid. 

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