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Particle Physics. Atoms and the theory of everything.

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7 hours ago, Poor Scouser T said:

That is were we will have to disagree. There are trillions of galaxy's containing trillions of stars and billions upon billions of planets. The idea that we are the only intelligent life in that mess is just not feasible. Added to the fact that we are so shit at this life stuff does not look a good argument for intelligent design. 


Oh, I absolutely agree. It's almost certain that there are countless intelligent civilisations out there. I just meant it was possible.

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2 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

I think this has been posted before but the chances of encountering intelligent alien life are very small becuase of 3 facts ;


the evolution of consciousness and intelligence is very rare. We are the only self conscious intelligent species amongst maybe 6 million on the planet 


the other alien species would need to have evolved intelligence in the same brief window of time as us, maybe 1 million years in 6,000 million years 


they would have to find us, a tiny planet in an inconceivably large universe 


Hence the odds are 1/6,000,000 x 1/6,000 x 1/inconceivable number for the size of the universe 


It’s not very likely. 







If it is possible it will have happened an infinite number of times.

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4 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

I think this has been posted before but the chances of encountering intelligent alien life are very small becuase of 3 facts ;


the evolution of consciousness and intelligence is very rare. We are the only self conscious intelligent species amongst maybe 6 million on the planet 


the other alien species would need to have evolved intelligence in the same brief window of time as us, maybe 1 million years in 6,000 million years 


they would have to find us, a tiny planet in an inconceivably large universe 


Hence the odds are 1/6,000,000 x 1/6,000 x 1/inconceivable number for the size of the universe 


It’s not very likely. 








You're assuming that the big bang theory is a given. How do you know we aren't just characters in some grim cunts computer game? 

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4 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

I think this has been posted before but the chances of encountering intelligent alien life are very small becuase of 3 facts ;


the evolution of consciousness and intelligence is very rare. We are the only self conscious intelligent species amongst maybe 6 million on the planet 


the other alien species would need to have evolved intelligence in the same brief window of time as us, maybe 1 million years in 6,000 million years 


they would have to find us, a tiny planet in an inconceivably large universe 


Hence the odds are 1/6,000,000 x 1/6,000 x 1/inconceivable number for the size of the universe 


It’s not very likely. 








It's possible that intelligent life is out there somewhere. It's highly doubtful we'd find out for a very long time, if at all. Doesn't stop the possibility being there though.

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6 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

Intelligent is also debatable.

You only have to spend a few months commuting by train in the up to realise that there’s probably a moth flapping around on Mars more capable of running the show than us gameshow cunts 

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One only has to watch dolphins or elephants or orangutans to know this statement


We are the only self conscious intelligent species amongst maybe 6 million on the planet 


is both untrue and incredibly stupid. 


Then watch ants or honeybees work together for their common good.

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1 minute ago, Captain Willard said:

Bees are pretty dumb. The entire global honey industry rests on the simple fact that worker bees can’t calculate the diameter of a hole and the fact that their queen is bigger than they are and is too big to fit through it. Not a great example of intelligent life. 


Yea, k.

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A Stanford professor who has researched unidentified aerial phenomena for the US government says he believes extraterrestrial intelligence has not only visited earth but “it’s been here a long time and it’s still here”.

Dr Garry Nolan also claimed that whistleblowers who have worked on “reverse-engineering downed craft” had recently given classified testimony to Congress, creating a “hornet’s nest in Washington”.

Dr Nolan, a Professor of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine who has published more than 300 research articles and holds 40 US patents, made the bombshell comments during a talk at the Salt iConnections conference in New York on Thursday titled “The Pentagon, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Crashed UFOs”.

The respected researcher is one of the most accomplished scientists publicly studying the phenomenon, including by analysing the brains of people who say they’ve experienced a UFO encounter.

During the session, moderator Alex Klokus, founder and managing partner of Salt Fund, asked Dr Nolan, “Do you believe that extraterrestrial intelligence has visited planet earth?”

“I think you can go a step further — it hasn’t just visited, it’s been here a long time and it’s still here,” Dr Nolan replied.


Mr Klokus told Dr Nolan his statement would be “tough to believe” for many, asking him “what probability” he would assign.


“One hundred per cent,” Dr Nolan said.



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  • 1 year later...

Whilst the Middle East kills each other’s children  over fairytale gods, Google seem to have made quantum computing work. Probably still years away from when you can buy one in Curries but a massive moment in human history. I don’t quite follow the maths but it is being hailed as the equivalent of the Wright brothers first flight. 

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43 minutes ago, Engineman Hicks said:

Whilst the Middle East kills each other’s children  over fairytale gods, Google seem to have made quantum computing work. Probably still years away from when you can buy one in Curries but a massive moment in human history. I don’t quite follow the maths but it is being hailed as the equivalent of the Wright brothers first flight. 


Yeah, it was very interesting to look into. Being able to error correct - check the results of a calculation - without collapsing the wave function, seems a massive step forward. Also, it used to be that the more Qubits you added, the more unstable it became, now it's the opposite (using this Willow chip from Google). Insane stuff. 

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On 18/05/2023 at 22:28, A Red said:

People who really have more important things to think about, waste their time thinking about this


I think it's good to think about our own place in life/the universe. I mean yes, the bins need putting out and the dinner needs cooking, but it's also good to spend time wondering why we are where we are when we are and how we are. 


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