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dave u

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How's it been the last couple of days? It's been great for me other than I had a 10 second delay when loading a page once, and that might have been my wifi.


Also, not sure what thread to post this in so may as well do it here. There's a new 80s header option in the theme for anyone that prefers that to the new one. Click the circle at the far right of the navbar and choose your option.


Screen Shot 2024-08-20 at 22.03.28.png

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The hosts say everything is fine, but I'm wondering if when they changed to the new server they've set it up the way it was before when we were having issues, and haven't implemented whatever it was they did to fix it. 


Next time it fucks up, make a note of the time for me please and I can pass it on to them.

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Maybe you should create a thread about the specific issue @dave u, I guess a lot of people might not visit this thread because they dont se ads. 

Is generally slow all the time, every day for me, when I click on one of the forums to go out of a thread and back to the forum page, or from one forum to another. 


Sometimes its also extremely slow and not actually loading at all, but that is more sporadic. 

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Logged on this AM and getting ads.
Gone to bottom of screen and only see this

ETA.  Noticed subscription expired so renewed. Still getting no TLW related ads, 
No option to change theme. 


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16 minutes ago, dave u said:

I'll have a look at that, it should be an easy fix I think. There might be an ad at the bottom you need to close down to enable you to access the theme options.

Renewed, log in and out and now seems to be ok, however still cannot see option to change theme. 

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1 hour ago, dave u said:

As soon as you're logged in as a subscriber you should then have that dropdown box available which will allow you to select the TLW subscriber theme.

Done! Thanks

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, dave u said:

Happened to me yesterday around 11.30 ish. Not had it today but 5 mins ago it was slow as fuck.


Really don't want to have to move server again but it might be unavoidable. Next intl break is probably the time to do it I guess.

Getting it regularly now Dave, it's like a screensaver at times.

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