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TLW Deathpool 2023

The Woolster

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Painkiller and alcohol addiction at the height of his fame. He's even said that he can't recall filming whole seasons of the show, and you can see his health was impacted because there are episodes where he looks to have gained a lot of weight, and others where he is extremely frail. Though he did a number of other roles very well, he will always be Chandler. Could this be any sadder? RIP.

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3 hours ago, redheart said:

Seems to have been a massive heart attack in the jacuzzi and then drowned.



No offence but I hate wild social media speculation like this claimed as fact. Nobody knows how he died yet.  

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1 hour ago, YorkshireRed said:

There are some of these that hit a little harder than others. This is one of them. 

I hope he’s at peace now. 



It's because they make us feel more mortal when they are cultural icons of our own era. You just don't expect famous people, not much older than yourself, to die at a relatively young age. It's really sad news.




This is horrific news too. Dying during a match in the manner he did.

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5 minutes ago, skend04 said:




This is horrific news too. Dying during a match in the manner he did.

Saw this earlier, absolutely awful. Sudden death is always hard to process, particularly when it’s someone so young, but this will take some accepting for his loved ones. 

RIP Adam Johnson. 

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10 hours ago, skend04 said:


It's because they make us feel more mortal when they are cultural icons of our own era. You just don't expect famous people, not much older than yourself, to die at a relatively young age. It's really sad news.




This is horrific news too. Dying during a match in the manner he did.

I wasn’t sure if this had been posted about because of the Great Liverpool Way Outage of 2023. 

But, I echo what you’ve said. I thought it was horrific too when I read about it. And must’ve been quite disturbing for any spectators who witnessed it too. 

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On 29/10/2023 at 09:04, melons said:

I make a return because the child in me is expecting to see the Barrymore picture (and further comments) none have you have bumped it for the occasion? Jacuzzi, pool, not close enough? 



*I did say the child in me



You came back and broke the site!


This is why we can't have nice things.

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Really sad about Matthew Perry, I'm of the 'Friends generation ' so he was a big part of our culture growing up. It may not have aged well in some aspects but Friend was great and it's still plenty watchable now when I catch the odd episode (mostly because I've avoided the incessant repeats since it finished so haven't been bored to tears by it). 

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8 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I am sad a person passed away,I almost always am. But sarcasm plays a big part of this forum if you haven't noticed already.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and hardly ever works in black & white on a screen. 

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On 30/10/2023 at 23:36, Karl_b said:

Really sad about Matthew Perry, I'm of the 'Friends generation ' so he was a big part of our culture growing up. It may not have aged well in some aspects but Friend was great and it's still plenty watchable now when I catch the odd episode (mostly because I've avoided the incessant repeats since it finished so haven't been bored to tears by it). 


I watched first couple of seasons again recently and it still holds up extremely well. It's an absolute classic sometime until S5 (if you can live with the chicken and the duck idiocy). People tend to dismiss it because it went on for 12 or so seasons, many of which were past its sell by date, and remained mega popular.  It's superbly cast and early episodes are written excellently.

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