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Christmas Song Amnesty


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20 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Any decent new Christmas songs this year?


When You're Here by Malka is delightful.




And this is a charity song that some friends of mine made a few years back that is both heartwarming and cynical:




Buy it, all proceeds go to charity.



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And given that this isn't really an amnesty thread, my two favourite Christmas songs:




White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin is a beautiful modern, secular take on a Christmas hymn, full of pathos. I've always loved this but since my daughter was born - near to Christmas in 2021 - it takes on an extra special meaning. No, you're crying.


And Christmas Was Better in the 80s by The Futureheads, because it was, wasn't it?!






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8 hours ago, redinblack said:

I remember as a kid watching this on TOTP with Ian Anderson pouring dimpled pints of bitter ( or bitter coloured water) over his head as he mimed the lyrics.


Fair play to him for that.


I think you might be thinking about this clip. My mate sends me the TOTP Solstice Bells clip every year and there's no pint glass.



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9 hours ago, Mook said:


I think you might be thinking about this clip. My mate sends me the TOTP Solstice Bells clip every year and there's no pint glass.



No.its not that clip good though it is. I had a quick look on you tube for the one I am referring to and couldn't find it. I do distinctly remember it though as I laughed like a drain while my Dad huffed and harrumphed as he often did through TOTP. As I probably would where it still on.

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1 minute ago, redinblack said:

No.its not that clip good though it is. I had a quick look on you tube for the one I am referring to and couldn't find it. I do distinctly remember it though as I laughed like a drain while my Dad huffed and harrumphed as he often did through TOTP. As I probably would where it still on.


The BBC probably pulled it off YouTube in case it's offensive to old fashioned pint glasses.

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On 03/12/2022 at 17:56, KMD7 said:



This one brings back memories of my girlfriend, at the time, letting me do it to her and therefore popping my cherry. I was probably very shit but it was Christmas night '96 so very fondly remembered.


On 03/12/2022 at 22:25, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

The Mariah Carey song that many love to hate is, for me, a bona fide Christmas banger. 

This doesn’t get enough festive love either. 



I believe they wrote this purely to have a song with Bell & End in it. Saw Justin Hawkins at the Taylor Hawkins tribute gig and he was superb.


On 03/12/2022 at 23:10, Harry's Lad said:



Bona fide classic Christmas song this. Gets me in the mood.


My offering is:


it's Christmas when I hear this.


That Ladbaby cunt and his gobshite Mrs absolutely boil my piss so when this appeared on the radar I instantly fell in love with it:




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