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Christmas Song Amnesty


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On 09/12/2023 at 11:08, bossy said:

I’ve written a Christmas song for our bookshop and we recorded it with the town’s other bookshop and made a video. I wear my LFC Christmas jumper so go easy.




Fantastic! I've been in your shop before too!


Do you know that the forumite previously known as The Professor (Owen) lives in Glossop and that his wife runs The Bottle Store a stones throw from you?

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On 09/12/2023 at 09:51, Dicko said:

All Christmas songs are shite with three exceptions.

1) 2000 Miles

2) I Believe In Father Christmas

3) Fairytale Of New York.


In fact Christmas is shite full stop.


2000 miles by The Pretenders is class. The cover by Chris fucking Martin needs burying with all the radioactive sludge they're digging out of Sellafield and never listened to ever again. By anyone. Ever. 

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1 hour ago, Karl_b said:


Fantastic! I've been in your shop before too!


Do you know that the forumite previously known as The Professor (Owen) lives in Glossop and that his wife runs The Bottle Store a stones throw from you?

I met him last week! I’d kind of met him before when they first opened their shop, which is great, but only fleetingly. Last week he came in and bought some books.

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3 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

This is mad.  I missed this on here, but I saw it on Spotify and added it to my Christmas playlist, unaware that it was you.


Now I know you're an independent bookseller, you've just gone to the top of my list of favourite posters.

Well deserved too, ha ha. Cheers AoT

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37 minutes ago, bossy said:

I met him last week! I’d kind of met him before when they first opened their shop, which is great, but only fleetingly. Last week he came in and bought some books.


Excellent! I'll pop in and say hello next time I'm over visiting them. 

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4 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:


2000 miles by The Pretenders is class. The cover by Chris fucking Martin needs burying with all the radioactive sludge they're digging out of Sellafield and never listened to ever again. By anyone. Ever. 

Wasnt that written or co written by Ray Davies? He did as it was a cover of a Peggy Lee song named I Go to Sleep.

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9 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:


2000 miles by The Pretenders is class. The cover by Chris fucking Martin needs burying with all the radioactive sludge they're digging out of Sellafield and never listened to ever again. By anyone. Ever. 

Or you could just bury Chris Martin & Coldplay.

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19 hours ago, Karl_b said:


Excellent! I'll pop in and say hello next time I'm over visiting them. 

My wife has just bought me a rather fine bottle of cognac from them for Christmas. I’ll probably have drunk it by your next visit though… be great to say hello 

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