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Something Fishy about Rishi


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27 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Where's this being reported Rog?


On BBC News, Baz.


Weirdly enough it has disappeared off the front page and can only now be found on the WORLD_ASIA tab about halfway down. Its enough to make me wonder about BBC motives.



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Four Greenpeace activists who staged a “No new oil” protest on the roof of Rishi Sunak’s North Yorkshire manor house have been accused of damaging 15 of the former prime minister’s roof tiles.


Greenpeace activists damaged 15 of Rishi Sunak’s roof tiles, court hears





I'm sure he'll manage to cope with it.

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  • 4 months later...
35 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:


Im sure it's all above board with nothing to hide 

And fuck all will happen. They don’t do

accountability it’s a funny hand shake brigade situation where they all know each others dirt and could bring the whole house tumbling down if they get prosecuted. Apparently Labour have got a Covid corruption head looking into all the snide behaviour and back handers. We’ll see what they are truly made of it any prosecutions get handed out. He tried to come out of it all clean Sunak but you can guarantee his and his wife’s greedy hands will have been all over it. See also Rees-Mogg, Kendrick, Hancock, Dildo etc. Raab has been quiet lately and all I reckon there’s loads on that Krytron headed fucker 

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11 hours ago, Anubis said:

Fuck off. No way should he be allowed to keep his seat in the house. Fuck him off.




Three jobs, see if only these workshy cunts worked hard like Sunak they could have his lifestyle, instead of claiming thousands off hard working tax payers. 


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12 hours ago, Anubis said:

Fuck off. No way should he be allowed to keep his seat in the house. Fuck him off.




Have to disagree with you, mate.


Personally, I thought it was great for the British public to see this PM him. Everyone was wondering what this great Prime Minister everyone was going on about and we saw.


He was wonderful.

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