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Emergency Ward 10 - The Injuries Thread

an tha

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On 24/12/2023 at 21:57, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I read that Robbo could be back next month; I'm reading that as February, because everything takes longer than we expect.  If it's early February (or earlier) I won't be too concerned about Joe Gomez deputising; if it's any longer, I'll go apeshit like the opening post of the "Sign Someone" thread.


"everything takes longer" we blaming Injuries on Brexit as well?

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Assistant boss Pep Lijnders said: "Trent hyperextended his knee during the last game.


"So he has a little tear in the lateral ligament of his knee and he will need time to recover. He had a scan and he will be out for a few weeks, so let's see after that.


"He will get some rest and then hopefully he can come back to where he was.


Because this guy was decisive in all the games and was the one who created constantly for us from deep and gave the team a high level of flexibility. We will really miss him."

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Mixed news,


Liverpool assistant boss Pep Lijnders on the rest of the club's senior players out injured: "Virgil [van Dijk] ran yesterday while we were doing the training with the subs [not used against Arsenal] so he did a few jogs. He looked good, was smiling and speaking together with Diogo [Jota]. He will be back. Good to go.

"Dominik [Szoboszlai] is progressing well on the pitch, running, so he is not far away. Robbo [Andy Robertson] is on the turf. He has another scan and if that goes well we can really decide when to have more contact. That's the tricky thing with his injury. Kostas [Tsimikas] is going quicker than expected so both he and Robbo will be back the end of this month, training with the team. Stefan Bajcetic and Thiago Alcantara will be into next month"

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The overall update was actually quite positive (if a few weeks is 3 or 4). Kostas looks way ahead of schedule and Robbo is close. Dom looks like it only Fulham and then he's sorted.

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Oh FFS. 

Our most irreplaceable player. 

It’s not just us, but the intensity of modern football means that most teams can’t put out anything like a full squad December through to February. 

Can Konate cover LB with Gomez on the right?

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3 hours ago, Pidge said:

Ramsay recall then...



Think lad can't even make Preston's bench can he? Be better off playing klopp. 



2 hours ago, an tha said:

Bajcetic and Thiago now according to Lijnders...."back next month without complications"....

Haha, fucking hell. So last month thiago was going to be back this month, until this month arrives. It's been the same since July. 


Replace him and matip now. The squad needs help. 

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26 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Haha, fucking hell. So last month thiago was going to be back this month, until this month arrives. It's been the same since July. 


Replace him and matip now. The squad needs help. 




It will be 12 months since Thiago last started a game for us. I honestly don't expect him to start another!

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:





Haha, fucking hell. So last month thiago was going to be back this month, until this month arrives. It's been the same since July. 



It will be same come Feb too.

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