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Emergency Ward 10 - The Injuries Thread

an tha

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On 12/12/2023 at 15:20, halewood pete said:

A mates just told me Diaz has picked up a bad knee injury today in training,came off second best in a tackle.


On 08/11/2023 at 12:43, halewood pete said:

Fella I know text me last night to say he had heard gravenbach had picked up a ACL injury, hope it’s bullshit.

It might be time to change mates….

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43 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Adrián holding him up.


14 minutes ago, an tha said:

Klopp's presser on friday...


"Thiago has had another little setback - a shoulder problem - it is a little, little thing - but we have to wait and see"

Comedy central in here. 

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Klopp on Macca's injury. Bear in mind, the ref didn't even give a yellow for this.


The Liverpool manager said: “It is obviously a bit more tricky than we thought in the first moment. The other boy [Sheffield United’s Vinícius Souza] stepped on his knee and the stud went through pretty much the muscle on to the bone. Now we have to wait until the bone is healed and until Macca can deal with the pain, because it is pretty painful.

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12 minutes ago, Em City said:

Klopp on Macca's injury. Bear in mind, the ref didn't even give a yellow for this.


The Liverpool manager said: “It is obviously a bit more tricky than we thought in the first moment. The other boy [Sheffield United’s Vinícius Souza] stepped on his knee and the stud went through pretty much the muscle on to the bone. Now we have to wait until the bone is healed and until Macca can deal with the pain, because it is pretty painful.


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20 minutes ago, Em City said:

Klopp on Macca's injury. Bear in mind, the ref didn't even give a yellow for this.


The Liverpool manager said: “It is obviously a bit more tricky than we thought in the first moment. The other boy [Sheffield United’s Vinícius Souza] stepped on his knee and the stud went through pretty much the muscle on to the bone. Now we have to wait until the bone is healed and until Macca can deal with the pain, because it is pretty painful.

Its because they wear those stupid blades. 

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33 minutes ago, Em City said:

Klopp on Macca's injury. Bear in mind, the ref didn't even give a yellow for this.


The Liverpool manager said: “It is obviously a bit more tricky than we thought in the first moment. The other boy [Sheffield United’s Vinícius Souza] stepped on his knee and the stud went through pretty much the muscle on to the bone. Now we have to wait until the bone is healed and until Macca can deal with the pain, because it is pretty painful.

If it is a bone bruise we are looking at a month to 6 weeks minimum - possibly longer.

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2 hours ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Its because they wear those stupid blades. 


Yep, they should have been banned years ago. I read years ago that there is supposed to be a link to them being brought out and more ACL tears


I had one pair as a kid and quickly went back to studs and molded

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On 08/12/2023 at 08:33, Barrington Womble said:


I reckon Bajcetic is on a plan like the Jones one (I don't have any info on this, just a gut feel). I guess they know his body, at this time at least, won't stand up to football, so they're working with him over a long period to build him up correctly, rest him correctly when required and only bring in contact training when his body is ready. So I reckon he's not exactly injured, but more we are reshaping his body. 


That’s pretty much the plot of Robocop, but with a technically excellent midfielder rather than a law enforcement official. 

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5 minutes ago, sir roger said:

I freely admit I have no medical training , but maybe if we had taken Mac Allister off after the initial tackle instead of having him hobbling around and stitched up for another hour or so it might have helped.

Dougie Hauser MD over here.

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37 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


Could be a major problem as Endo is away in January for the Asian cup. 

Yeah that could be a big problem.


Hopefully it isn't a bone bruise - but way Klopp is talking and given way they have been treating it so far it looks like it might be, so yeah if it is then with Endo away we have a problem - although nearly a month until that happens so we might get lucky.

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16 hours ago, Em City said:

Klopp on Macca's injury. Bear in mind, the ref didn't even give a yellow for this.


The Liverpool manager said: “It is obviously a bit more tricky than we thought in the first moment. The other boy [Sheffield United’s Vinícius Souza] stepped on his knee and the stud went through pretty much the muscle on to the bone. Now we have to wait until the bone is healed and until Macca can deal with the pain, because it is pretty painful.

I had a similar injury on the top of my foot but mine also severed a tendon. 

It was very scary as a 15 year old wigging my toes and this little random white piece something pops out the wound.


I had to be careful around infections as well. I got a small one, but then again I was playing on rat and dog shit infested Sunday league bog, not a pristine bowling green surface. 


I didn’t play for like 5 months. Sure Mac Allister has better care than I did and it doesn’t sound as serious. 

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