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Liz fucking Truss then.....


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Aww, she doesn't like her disastrous budget being described as disastrous.




Truss complains to cabinet secretary about No 10 briefing describing botched mini-budget as 'disastrous'

The former prime minster Liz Truss has complained that her mini-budget is described as “disastrous” in the Downing Street briefing pack giving details of the bills in the king’s speech.


In a letter to Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, she said:


    It has been brought to my attention that the king’s speech background briefing notes published today and available online contain repeated references personally to me and actions undertaken by my government in the context of a political attack.

    Not only is what is stated in the document untrue, making no reference to the LDI [liability driven investment] crisis precipitated by the Bank of England’s regulatory failures; but I regard it as a flagrant breach of the civil service code, since such personal and political attacks have no place in a document prepared by civil servants – an error made all the more egregious when the attack is allowed to masquerade in the document among ‘key facts’.


There is no government announcement in recent history, perhaps in all history, that has backfired as badly, economically and politically, as the mini-budget announced when Truss was prime minister. The financial markets were alarmed by the proposed £45bn unfunded tax cuts, borrowing costs started to soar and within days the Bank of England had to mount a multi-billion rescue effort to stop pension funds collapsing. Soon afterwards Truss started to ditch some of the measures. But the first big U-turn, and replacing her chancellor with someone willing to junk almost all the mini-budget measures, was not enough to restore her credibility and she was forced to resign.


The rise in interest rates led to a big rise in mortgage rates and Labour is responding by passing a law saying government will always have to consult the Office for Budget Responsibility when announcing significant tax changes – something Truss refused to do because she knew the OBR would criticise the mini-budget measures.


In its notes on the budget responsibility bill, the government says:

    The ‘fiscal lock’ is intended to capture and prevent those announcements that could resemble the disastrous Liz Truss ‘mini budget’, announced on 23 September 2022, which would have cost £48bn per year by 2027/28, and was not subject to an OBR forecast and damaged Britain’s credibility with international lenders.


The Cabinet Office has not yet responded to Truss’s letter, but Truss will have a hard job persuading Case that she has been wronged. Although some economists argue that the mini-budget was not the only factor driving up borrowing costs at the time, and the impact on mortgage costs did not last, it has hard to find anyone at Westminster who does not regard the mini-budget as disastrous.


Truss can no longer complain as an MP. She had a majority of more than 24,000 in South West Norfolk, but lost it on a swing to Labour of 26%.



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6 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Great value in Mary.


Sad she lost her seat and voice in parliament and has to hawk herself to those Christian, libertarian, neo-liberal, fascist, free market blowhards.


She deserves much worse, like constituency work in Norfolk.



It's funny how quick stock falls in these supposed free market right wing types as soon as they've got no power. Same with Johnson and his audience of five. Nobody there is interested in ideas because they don't have any.

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3 hours ago, Section_31 said:


It's funny how quick stock falls in these supposed free market right wing types as soon as they've got no power. Same with Johnson and his audience of five. Nobody there is interested in ideas because they don't have any.


It's because they're all utterly fucking mad and literal casualties to the winds of conspiracy nonsense.


"For if one drinks much from a bottle marked 'poison,' it's almost certain to disagree with one sooner or later."



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9 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:

I'd be interested to know why she calls the housing targets Stalinist in particular, rather than Leninist or Trotskyite. Fuck it, mix it up a bit, call them Khrushchevovian or Brezhnevilian, keep the 50 or so retreads she calls her base on their toes.




Leave Brezhnev outta this, he was just, tragically, misunderstood.


Fucking commie.

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