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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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I know Shaw’s reputation has taken a bit of a kicking, and Telles isn’t exactly a world-beater, but is a left-back really their number one priority at the moment? There seems to be a distinct whiff of ‘What Dutch players can we sign?’


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2 hours ago, Ron B said:

I know Shaw’s reputation has taken a bit of a kicking, and Telles isn’t exactly a world-beater, but is a left-back really their number one priority at the moment? There seems to be a distinct whiff of ‘What Dutch players can we sign?’


No real data to back this up so it's all speculative, but, how many successful managers who flood teams with players from their previous team or sign lots of players from the same nationality go on to be a success?


Mourinho is the only one who immediately springs to mind but even then it was only one or two players. Not sure Nuno counts at Wolves because that was a Mendes project.


When Klopp joined I thought we'd be the go to club for German players but we've largely ignored it.

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10 hours ago, TD_LFC said:

No real data to back this up so it's all speculative, but, how many successful managers who flood teams with players from their previous team or sign lots of players from the same nationality go on to be a success?


Mourinho is the only one who immediately springs to mind but even then it was only one or two players. Not sure Nuno counts at Wolves because that was a Mendes project.


When Klopp joined I thought we'd be the go to club for German players but we've largely ignored it.

Wenger brought in plenty of frenchies and didn't do too bad. 

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10 hours ago, TD_LFC said:

No real data to back this up so it's all speculative, but, how many successful managers who flood teams with players from their previous team or sign lots of players from the same nationality go on to be a success?


Mourinho is the only one who immediately springs to mind but even then it was only one or two players. Not sure Nuno counts at Wolves because that was a Mendes project.


When Klopp joined I thought we'd be the go to club for German players but we've largely ignored it.

Rafa won a couple of trophies. 

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On 24/06/2022 at 13:33, Pete said:

I'd stay at Brentford away from the shit show that is Manchester United PLC. 

Hahaha! What a numpty (Neville, not Eriksen) - the so called £11m dividends is less than what Sancho gets in a year! So the owners can pay £15m+ to Sancho as wages but cannot take £11m to themselves from the club they OWN!! 

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28 minutes ago, Strontium said:

If United could get rid of Pogba AND Rapealdo in the same transfer window, they might have taken the first step back on the road to not being a complete basket case of a football club.

It's incredible the amount of United fans that don't see this.


Who'd have though that signing a 36 year old striker that Juventus were absolutely desperate to get rid of and putting him on 500k a week wasn't a good move?

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18 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

Apparently they are saying he isn't for sale, should make things interesting

He's not daft, he's waited until all their striker targets have been snapped up so that when he eventually leaves this summer and they can't adequately replace him he can point to how great he is and how Utd are lost without him.

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