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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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Another article today in the Athletic about Radcliffe's dreams of building a 100,000 seater stadium. Added to all the puff pieces we've seen about Ruud van Nistelrooy's groundbreaking training, and ten Haag not needing a contract as he's at such an amazing club he shouldn't even need anything writing down.


This Ratcliffe cunt has done absolutely fuck all except bring a ton of friendly press in.

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I know Old Trafford is falling down but how many red Mancs actually want to

leave that stadium?   Surely cheaper to fix OT & keep the fanbase happy? 

oh well. Fuck them. 

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7 hours ago, Manny said:

Another article today in the Athletic about Radcliffe's dreams of building a 100,000 seater stadium. Added to all the puff pieces we've seen about Ruud van Nistelrooy's groundbreaking training, and ten Haag not needing a contract as he's at such an amazing club he shouldn't even need anything writing down.


This Ratcliffe cunt has done absolutely fuck all except bring a ton of friendly press in.


Any time I make the mistake of opening the Guardian football page, I see a new piece of propaganda scrawled by Jamie Jackson. 


All very objective, of course.





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I've noticed the sheer volume of coverage of them in the Guardian. Three to four stories everyday, coverage of all their preseason games, our one V Arsenal didn't get a mention.

The latest piece is on their injury crisis, our win is glossed over.

The "knights" of the round table at their place must be using all their contacts.

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10 minutes ago, NoelM said:

I've noticed the sheer volume of coverage of them in the Guardian. Three to four stories everyday, coverage of all their preseason games, our one V Arsenal didn't get a mention.

The latest piece is on their injury crisis, our win is glossed over.

The "knights" of the round table at their place must be using all their contacts.

The guardian have been like that for some time. 

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38 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

It's good that they're getting lots of press. More pressure.

Yeah it’s ideal. Annoying and bewildering but ideal. Means they’ll stay on the wrong path for longer.

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4 hours ago, Mook said:

I was really annoyed when they won the cup but it might set them back another year in terms of any sort of revival. 


Every cloud & all that.

They played really well in the final. But it was literally one game. I mean, look at the semi final. I think next season will be fun.

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United would have failed PSR for the season just gone say for two things: One, it appears that [Manchester United] were given an exceptional allowance of £40million for COVID in 2022.


“The most that any other club got in that period was around £1million. It also seems that they have been given an allowance for around about £35million of exceptional cost relating to the share sale to Ratcliffe.”

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The transfers of De Ligt & Mazraoui are interesting.


I know 7-Hag was Ajax coach when De Ligt broke through and was sold to Juve… his record since isn’t stellar. Bombed out at Juventus, lost his place at Bayern to Kim (who looks shite) and then Eric Dierrhoea.

Who even is Bayern’s right back? Looking at their squad, Stanisic & Boey are listed as full backs. I see Stanisic started at Spurs yesterday. I’ve never heard of either, although that means nothing, they aren’t household names like past players. Kimmich is listed as a midfielder.


I think ultimately what I’m getting at is, has there been many successful signings where underperforming players at major clubs, who have moved to other major clubs, and been a success? 


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15 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I think ultimately what I’m getting at is, has there been many successful signings where underperforming players at major clubs, who have moved to other major clubs, and been a success? 


Ryan Gravenb...oh.

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24 minutes ago, sh#t waffle said:

Ryan Gravenb...oh.

Ha. True though, although I’d say he has more time on his side compared to De Ligt & Mazraoui.

Could say Havertz & Jorginho from Chelsea to Arsenal have been mild successes, although performances have improved, neither were truly bombed out at Chelsea and neither have been runaway successes at Arsenal. 


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1 hour ago, Scott_M said:

The transfers of De Ligt & Mazraoui are interesting.


I know 7-Hag was Ajax coach when De Ligt broke through and was sold to Juve… his record since isn’t stellar. Bombed out at Juventus, lost his place at Bayern to Kim (who looks shite) and then Eric Dierrhoea.

Who even is Bayern’s right back? Looking at their squad, Stanisic & Boey are listed as full backs. I see Stanisic started at Spurs yesterday. I’ve never heard of either, although that means nothing, they aren’t household names like past players. Kimmich is listed as a midfielder.


I think ultimately what I’m getting at is, has there been many successful signings where underperforming players at major clubs, who have moved to other major clubs, and been a success? 



I recall a few years ago tweeting about De Ligt when watching a Netherlands game. I didn't tweet often and just said something fairly uninteresting along the lines of him making mistakes every time I watched him and that I couldn't recall anyone with so much hype who looked so poor.


It somehow went viral and I had Ajax fans piling in to reply. Interestingly as many agreed with me as disagreed.


His career is a weird one. A lot of the hype came from Ajax's 2019 Champions League run but even in that he was especially poor in their second half collapse v Spurs in the semi final second leg.

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On 07/08/2024 at 10:43, Funkasy said:

United would have failed PSR for the season just gone say for two things: One, it appears that [Manchester United] were given an exceptional allowance of £40million for COVID in 2022.


“The most that any other club got in that period was around £1million. It also seems that they have been given an allowance for around about £35million of exceptional cost relating to the share sale to Ratcliffe.”


I don't understand why this story isn't getting more traction.


They should be looking at a significant points deduction this season. 

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