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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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31 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


They're all shite, they're like everton and us under evans, so bereft of talent and hope that they cling to flavours of the month. Who was that jazzypants lad they had under moyes who scored one good goal so they signed him up to a new contract live on MUTV? He's well gone, but there's been an endless stream of them.


I've said before but the beauty of it is that no other fanbase, none, in the world understands what they're going through as much as we can. It's Shakespearian.

I've got to take issue with a bit of that mr31, whilst we had some shite under Roy we did have some talent. We couldn't knit them into a team, and we are damned for that, but we should have done better than we did

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5 minutes ago, redinblack said:

I've got to take issue with a bit of that mr31, whilst we had some shite under Roy we did have some talent. We couldn't knit them into a team, and we are damned for that, but we should have done better than we did


Oh deffo, we had proper class players, but we'd occasionally have a situation where we'd found a missing piece of the puzzle, or where we'd finally solved our centre back problem, then next week we'd get beaten by Watford.


I'd rather be consistently shit, learn to live with it and take the footballing pleasures where I can (as 95% of footy fans do) than have the temptation of being good but actually being shit. Pure spiritual torture.

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4 hours ago, magicrat said:

Markovic was on our books for 5 years made 19 appearances , 2 goals.  I has the dubious pleasure of seeing a couple of those games and he was utterly hopeless . Antony has some way to go to be considered worse than Markovic .

19 appearances and two goals you say, Antony this season…



…Markovic also had an assist. 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


Oh deffo, we had proper class players, but we'd occasionally have a situation where we'd found a missing piece of the puzzle, or where we'd finally solved our centre back problem, then next week we'd get beaten by Watford.


I'd rather be consistently shit, learn to live with it and take the footballing pleasures where I can (as 95% of footy fans do) than have the temptation of being good but actually being shit. Pure spiritual torture.

I remember going to OT to watch us them having T-shirts for sale of various players dressed up as Del Boy & Rodney “We’ll be champions this time next year…”

Well, I know they’ve had a couple of flukey 2nd places, it’s 10 years on now and they’ve not even looked close to challenging. At least we had a few opportunities and completely blew it! 96/97 springs to mind. 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


Oh deffo, we had proper class players, but we'd occasionally have a situation where we'd found a missing piece of the puzzle, or where we'd finally solved our centre back problem, then next week we'd get beaten by Watford.


I'd rather be consistently shit, learn to live with it and take the footballing pleasures where I can (as 95% of footy fans do) than have the temptation of being good but actually being shit. Pure spiritual torture.

Hope kills you, but it keeps you alive too.

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I've said many times that what I want is for them to repeatedly feel that good times are just around the corner, only for that hope to repeatedly be extinguished through a combination of farce and their own hubris. Their 70s and 80s heyday if you like.

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3 hours ago, Trumo said:

I've said many times that what I want is for them to repeatedly feel that good times are just around the corner, only for that hope to repeatedly be extinguished through a combination of farce and their own hubris. Their 70s and 80s heyday if you like.

You seem to be getting your wish for as long as I can remember.

edit- shit, thought this was the Everton thread!

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2 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

They've got Bayindir and Tom Heaton; after that, they're probably looking at an Academy kid.


Is Tom Heaton not the bloke from The Beautiful South?


Probably a better keeper than Onana even if it is tbf.

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1 hour ago, Mook said:


Is Tom Heaton not the bloke from The Beautiful South?


Probably a better keeper than Onana even if it is tbf.


Bayindir sounds like a character out of the Lord of the Rings, one of the shit dwarves or a particularly fey elf.

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Onana is the weirdest sweeper keeper in the game. 


He's rooted to his line for every cross, shot or one on one yet the minute the CB's are passing between themselves under no pressure he's halfway up the pitch doing keep ups.

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2 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

Who is their backup keeper now? 

Absolutely mad signing a keeper that could be missing for a chunk through AFCON. With an outfield player the replacement will probably be fresh from playing games earlier in the season but as a keeper the drop off from number 1 to backup can be massive (Onana is shit but the point still stands).

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8 minutes ago, TheSire said:

Absolutely mad signing a keeper that could be missing for a chunk through AFCON. With an outfield player the replacement will probably be fresh from playing games earlier in the season but as a keeper the drop off from number 1 to backup can be massive (Onana is shit but the point still stands).

Yeah, it's a fucking weird one..it's hard enough it being your main outfield player. 

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