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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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6 hours ago, cloggypop said:

Still don't get why they bought Antony and left Kudus. 

Forget Anthony. 


He had onana, when the club coaches instructed him he let in too many goals because he drives incorrectly. Yet he still signed him..... Fucking mental case of a manager. 


There's no denying he's lost the dressing room.... Apparently he's an absolute tyrant though isn't he... Screaming at the players, making them just run and run....... 



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11 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

In the 10 full seasons since they last won the title, they've lost

13/14 - 12

14/15 - 8

15/16 - 10

16/17 - 5

17/18 - 7

18/19 - 10

19/20 - 8

20/21 - 6

21/22 - 12

22/23 - 9


I haven't bothered checking their numbers of defeats from when they were good; it's safe to assume that the numbers were lower.  As it is, they look well placed to smash a few records this season.

So he's on course for their worst season since Ferguson left then. When you see the stats like that, he's going to be sacked isn't he as soon as INEOS get their deal approved?

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2 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Pounds per output, Antony is worse. 

Markovic was on our books for 5 years made 19 appearances , 2 goals.  I has the dubious pleasure of seeing a couple of those games and he was utterly hopeless . Antony has some way to go to be considered worse than Markovic .

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48 minutes ago, magicrat said:

Markovic was on our books for 5 years made 19 appearances , 2 goals.  I has the dubious pleasure of seeing a couple of those games and he was utterly hopeless . Antony has some way to go to be considered worse than Markovic .


Let's hope he gets given the chance.

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26 minutes ago, Elite said:

They are all acting like that Mainoo is the second coming of Makelele. Suppose they have to cling into whatever hope they have.

They have to overrate any decent individual players they have because the team is so consistently shit and there's nothing to brag about.

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42 minutes ago, redinblack said:

Goldbridge this morning about the Utd midfield at Forest " they are running like a Nonce who left his laptop at PC World"

He's great that fella. I never knew it could be possible to find one of those orcs actually intentionally funny but he makes me laugh.


Seems like a good egg and making a few quid for himself so good luck to him.

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52 minutes ago, Elite said:

They are all acting like that Mainoo is the second coming of Makelele. Suppose they have to cling into whatever hope they have.


They're all shite, they're like everton and us under evans, so bereft of talent and hope that they cling to flavours of the month. Who was that jazzypants lad they had under moyes who scored one good goal so they signed him up to a new contract live on MUTV? He's well gone, but there's been an endless stream of them.


I've said before but the beauty of it is that no other fanbase, none, in the world understands what they're going through as much as we can. It's Shakespearian.

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


They're all shite, they're like everton and us under evans, so bereft of talent and hope that they cling to flavours of the month. Who was that jazzypants lad they had under moyes who scored one good goal so they signed him up to a new contract live on MUTV? He's well gone, but there's been an endless stream of them.


I've said before but the beauty of it is that no other fanbase, none, in the world understands what they're going through as much as we can. It's Shakespearian.

Adnan Januzaj. They had massive hopes for him. He was turd.

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