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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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Redknapp ripping into them on Sky was great.


Hes absolutely right to question Seven-Hag and signing Antony. £86m, he’s fucking garbage. 

Neville doing his usual of trying to blame the Glazers, Redknapp is right to keep bringing it back to the managers decisions. Antony would have been over priced at £25m.

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5 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Redknapp ripping into them on Sky was great.


Hes absolutely right to question Seven-Hag and signing Antony. £86m, he’s fucking garbage. 

Neville doing his usual of trying to blame the Glazers, Redknapp is right to keep bringing it back to the managers decisions. Antony would have been over priced at £25m.

Has he been any better than Fabio carvalho? 

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Just now, Carvalho Diablo said:

Our kidder just said that Casimiro wants out and has banged in a transfer request.


Haven't seen this reported tbh but can easily see some truth in that. But who'd fucking buy the fat cunt?


Some Saudi club, they'll probably get 40ml aswell

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1 hour ago, an tha said:



Can't stand the tramp. He somehow managed to front a TV show about losing his wife yet he'd cheated on her while she was alive. Always turns up at every fucking event under the sun, concerts, formula one, an audience with fucking billy eilish, you name it. Ripply mouthed twat.

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3 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

My grandson is a Liverpool fan and I told him United had lost and he was indifferent.


Then I realised he's 9. He hasn't seen them win the league or champions league. He hasn't seen them gloating. Long may this continue.

Same as it ever was. For him.

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In the 10 full seasons since they last won the title, they've lost

13/14 - 12

14/15 - 8

15/16 - 10

16/17 - 5

17/18 - 7

18/19 - 10

19/20 - 8

20/21 - 6

21/22 - 12

22/23 - 9


I haven't bothered checking their numbers of defeats from when they were good; it's safe to assume that the numbers were lower.  As it is, they look well placed to smash a few records this season.

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2 minutes ago, Pete said:

Rio Ferdinand.  Everything that is wrong about modern punditry wrapped up

in a camel faced cunt package.  

Was in the Deysbrook Tesco earlier this afternoon, his new missus has now got a fashion line in there.


Which begs the question, fucking why?


What's she famous for? Marrying that gobshite?

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