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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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28 minutes ago, Pete said:

So will this bowlhead cunt Gazpacho be around for this season and then sink into mediocrity like Macheda etc or is he 'the real deal' and the future of the cunts?  

from what I’ve seen he can pull off some great stuff but is a bit inconsistent. Time will tell, you can’t tell with united as they hype players beyond their level. 

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12 minutes ago, JagSquared said:

from what I’ve seen he can pull off some great stuff but is a bit inconsistent. Time will tell, you can’t tell with united as they hype players beyond their level. 

Yeah we just can't tell because of the hype, they've had numerous apparently next generation talents who have immediately sank without trace. Where is Januzaj? The media hype around them this morning is ridiculous. Start of a new era etc. Another corner turned until the next one.

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11 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


The Spanish Daniel James.

I always preferred the young English players who came through the ranks, got fast-tracked to the national team… and then mysteriously stopped being good enough for England as soon as they were slumming at Sunderland or Everton or some other no-mark side. 

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20 minutes ago, Ron B said:

I always preferred the young English players who came through the ranks, got fast-tracked to the national team… and then mysteriously stopped being good enough for England as soon as they were slumming at Sunderland or Everton or some other no-mark side. 

I remember Keegan admitting he got as many Man United players as possible in his England squad simply for their ‘winning mentality’. 

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6 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

I remember Keegan admitting he got as many Man United players as possible in his England squad simply for their ‘winning mentality’. 

Lovely how even he was iffy about backing Andy Cole though, despite having got so many goals out of him at club level. 

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1 hour ago, Ron B said:

Lovely how even he was iffy about backing Andy Cole though, despite having got so many goals out of him at club level. 

Yeah I think he was talking about the ones that came through the youth team ( who have pretty much all been shite since that one year.)

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23 hours ago, rubble-rouser said:


Yeah, if you want an audit to give you the outcome you want from a review, get in one of the big 4. It would seem those 300 people are already gone. Or he is at least laying the ground for a significant number and when it's a bit less than 300, he seems a hero. 


10 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I guess they are back again. Villa did this against us played into our hands.


Not just back. Incredibly the lumps goal is already being described as a "Robbins moment". These cunts get giddier than the bloos. Just watch them lose at forest now. 


4 hours ago, El Rojo said:

Spare a thought for the United supporters who wanted Ten Hag’s end hastened with another defeat last night.



I was delighted with their comeback. It's not often I like anything good to happen to them, but this coupled with their 0-0 win at anfield a couple of weeks ago might just mean this bellend sees out the season. 

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28 minutes ago, Clem H Fandango said:

If Hojlund carries on in this form, he will have 2 goals by the end of the season. Money well spent.

Add that to the 0 goals and 0 assists  by Anthony and that’s £158m of anybody’s money well spent. 

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9 hours ago, Pete said:

So will this bowlhead cunt Gazpacho be around for this season and then sink into mediocrity like Macheda etc or is he 'the real deal' and the future of the cunts?  

He’s so ugly his mother must have put him in a bag with the unwanted kittens and forgot to throw it in the lake

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