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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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59 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

All joking aside, they really should stick with the manager and clear out all the players.

He's probably the manager they've had since Ferguson who has been the most personally responsible for how bad they are.


Only Mourinho had more freedom to run the club than he has, and with Mourinho, the results were better.

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1 hour ago, manwiththestick said:

All joking aside, they really should stick with the manager and clear out all the players.


Really? They're an awful bunch of players in a whole host of ways, but he's spent £400 million of the club's money to make them worse. A good chunk of that sum was spent on his old Ajax favourites. He sanctioned £90 million for Antony, that alone is a sacking offense.


£400 million and 18 months later and they look every bit as clueless as they did under Solksjaer's final months. When you see what Postecoglu, De Zerbi and even Dyche are doing, getting teams to play their way in very little time and improving former outcasts, it really shows what a bad job he has done. 

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1 hour ago, littletedwest said:

As mentioned in here his approach to buying players is limited to buying those he's worked with.


But that would be the process of most managers if the supporting staff were unable to offer you any players you actually wanted - the previous manager told them it was all fucked. I've no idea if he's any good at the type of thing, because it seems to me he has to do more than what most managers are expected to do.


What is clear, is he's nothing more than a bully and he has no ability to do anything but shout and make the players run around. If you compare him to other managers who are working with less, then he looks pretty incompetent at coaching and preparing a team for the game ahead. 


Putting all that aside though, a little more than a year ago they got pumped by Brentford, he shouted a lot and they won their next game against us. So my only concern at the moment is making sure we're ready for a backlash, however unlikely that may seem. 

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15 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


But that would be the process of most managers if the supporting staff were unable to offer you any players you actually wanted - the previous manager told them it was all fucked. I've no idea if he's any good at the type of thing, because it seems to me he has to do more than what most managers are expected to do.


What is clear, is he's nothing more than a bully and he has no ability to do anything but shout and make the players run around. If you compare him to other managers who are working with less, then he looks pretty incompetent at coaching and preparing a team for the game ahead. 


Putting all that aside though, a little more than a year ago they got pumped by Brentford, he shouted a lot and they won their next game against us. So my only concern at the moment is making sure we're ready for a backlash, however unlikely that may seem. 


Couldn't agree more. I also hope Klopp doesn't say anything stupid in support of baldy like he did last year when, out of the blue, got his knickers in a twist about Agbonlahor and decided to be a supporting voice for the baldy twat. I still don't understand why he did that before we were due to play them. 


I want him to use the press conference to say that we cannot be complacent etc. 

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The one positive we can take from yesterday is just how far down he's taken them. I've no issue with a defensive performance, but they offered nothing, did mourinho style "give the ball away rather than lose shape", time wasted from the 1st minute, they were all over the place and only luck and bad play from us saved them and if we had 1 outfield player had played to their normal level, we'd have won. And their fans celebrated that like they'd just won a massive game. 

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On 14/12/2023 at 15:42, Barrington Womble said:

What is clear, is he's nothing more than a bully and he has no ability to do anything but shout and make the players run around.

Many (most?) of the most successful managers have been guilty of being bullies at one point or other. I can’t think of an obvious example with Jurgen but boundless instances with Ferguson, Clough, Mourinho… (Klopp can be ruthless of course, but that’s not the same thing). 
But if you’re an unsuccessful bully then the players will down tools a lot faster. And the only thing you can resort to is bullying even more. 

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1 minute ago, Ron B said:

Many (most?) of the most successful managers have been guilty of being bullies at one point or other. I can’t think of an obvious example with Jurgen but boundless instances with Ferguson, Clough, Mourinho… (Klopp can be ruthless of course, but that’s not the same thing). 
But if you’re an unsuccessful bully then the players will down tools a lot faster. And the only thing you can resort to is bullying even more. 

That was a different time though. If you want to succeed with the very best. And Ferguson softened his style by all accounts in the latter part of his career because the players were so precious. And of course I said he was nothing more than a bully. He seems to have no other skill set.

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