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Someone’s Having a Real Laugh - How Long Until They ‘Bin Bag’ Ten Hag?

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2 hours ago, ralph said:

Apologies for offending yourself and Reckoner, Mr Tate takes the piss out of himself without even trying. I forget sometimes what a woke society we live in and how easily offended they are. Second thoughts, retract the apology, its called fuckin humour, laugh or move on you sensitive soul.

Sound. Knobhead.

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But, but, but.....  Only 15 months ago they beat us in Thailand in the Bangkok Centenary Cup and were destined for World domination.


Us! The team that had just played every single game we possibly could in one season. The team that just fell short of the quadruple no less.


Oh for those halcyon Siamese evenings again....


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He's banned half the United correspondents from their press conference today over the 'lost the dressing room' piece yesterday. 


Some kind of result against Chelsea might be required tomorrow if we're not to be facing another new manager bounce next week. 


Only a matter of time now, you'd imagine. 


As with the others since 2013, it's been fun while it lasted. 

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18 hours ago, ralph said:

Apologies for offending yourself and Reckoner, Mr Tate takes the piss out of himself without even trying. I forget sometimes what a woke society we live in and how easily offended they are. Second thoughts, retract the apology, its called fuckin humour, laugh or move on you sensitive soul.

Someone certainly seems triggered. Always happens when you challenge a gammon.

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2 hours ago, El Rojo said:

He's banned half the United correspondents from their press conference today over the 'lost the dressing room' piece yesterday. 


Some kind of result against Chelsea might be required tomorrow if we're not to be facing another new manager bounce next week. 


Only a matter of time now, you'd imagine. 


As with the others since 2013, it's been fun while it lasted. 

It’ll be new caretaker manager bounce, at best. 
Truth is, they won’t have a new manager lined up. That club won’t have any sort of strategy or forward planning because they never do, and besides - there’s no outstanding candidates who are both free (or free-ish) and who would be willing to go there. 
Realistically they’ll have to go for an internal promotion, temporarily at least. Someone who has managed sides at the highest level, won trophies at home and abroad, and has experience of working with international footballers. 
There is only one man for them to call



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16 minutes ago, Ron B said:

It’ll be new caretaker manager bounce, at best. 
Truth is, they won’t have a new manager lined up. That club won’t have any sort of strategy or forward planning because they never do, and besides - there’s no outstanding candidates who are both free (or free-ish) and who would be willing to go there. 
Realistically they’ll have to go for an internal promotion, temporarily at least. Someone who has managed sides at the highest level, won trophies at home and abroad, and has experience of working with international footballers. 
There is only one man for them to call



They’ve already tried the Dutch accent approach with Ten Hag.

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2 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

If Xabi goes to them I'll never speak to him again.

You’d think he’d be aware how much ill feeling a move there would be. Besides he’s a young manager making a mark in Germany. He’d be better staying there for a while. Doesn’t need to

move to the clown show that is Manchester United.

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21 minutes ago, Pete said:

You’d think he’d be aware how much ill feeling a move there would be. Besides he’s a young manager making a mark in Germany. He’d be better staying there for a while. Doesn’t need to

move to the clown show that is Manchester United.

Plus he must have an eye on us I would have thought, once Klopp steps aside.

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United claimed they had not been given right of reply to negative stories around the club.


As someone on twitter pointed out, when the Athletic went to them to let them know they were going to run a story on management at the club giving the green light to Mason Greenwood being re-integrated into the team and offered them the right to reply before publishing the story Man Utd ignored them completely and then rushed out a statement to gazump that article.


Can't be expecting a heads up after that.

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I'd be devastated being excluded from a footy press conference and miss out on all that gold,  watching the manager's eyes roll around in his head like stevie wonder as I ask about injuries.


I'd have to console myself with listening to the stage managed dog and pony show on telly and rewriting it with a slightly different intro. Then I'd go downstairs and watch deal or no deal. Oh wait.

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