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Should we sign him?   

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  1. 1. Should we sign him?

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1 hour ago, dave u said:

Code absolutely weighing in on this when we all know he'd be singing from a completely different hymn sheet if it was a player he liked. 


Let's be honest here, Salah would have shit his fucking pants.

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28 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

How do you know he wasn’t on the same continent? Been following him eh eh eh!

If you follow the club on Twitter and Facebook its more difficult not to know than know.






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23 minutes ago, RedHeadedRed said:

Can't blame him for trying to protect his family, I'd do the same. Trying to throw a chair afterwards was too much though. What a mad fecker.

His family were safe and sound when Nunez decided to behave like an absolute idiot.



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5 hours ago, Code said:

So where are Nunez kids and wife/girlfriend then?


Some people really are gullible.



Yeah, I’m with you on this one, mate

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45 minutes ago, Code said:

He can eat babies for all I care as long as its not to detriment of the team and our results.


If he gets a long time ban, because he acts like an idiot, its not good for us, so then I will obviously point out this possibility.


But you think he's shit so him being banned is a good thing, surely? Tying yourself in knots here.

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39 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Let's be honest here, Salah would have shit his fucking pants.


Yeah he'd have probably smiled the way he does when he misses a sitter or doesn't get a blatant penalty. 

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12 minutes ago, Code said:

If you follow the club on Twitter and Facebook its more difficult not to know than know.






I knew he was back here mate, it was an attempt at levity. Not a lot goes on at Kirkby that get’s past me fella, I have eyes everywhere.

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12 minutes ago, dave u said:


But you think he's shit so him being banned is a good thing, surely? Tying yourself in knots here.

 I think he needs to take his chances, I dont think he is shite. I also think our plan is to start him as our front striker this season, so if he gets a ban he has fucked up the new managers plan because he simply dont have a functioning brain. 

If this was Haaland or another top striker for a team we compete with ( cant think of anyone to be honest) the forum would celebrating the possible long time ban.

I fail to see how anyone can defend his actions here, it does not help the team in any way if he gets a ban.


If he does get a ban I hope we have something in his contract that will give him just minimum wages in such a situation. 

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Weird that he seems to be getting more shit on here from Reds than he is from the wider football world.


Scanning through twitter and it's almost universally "Nunez fighting to protect his family" and not "stupid cunt fights with fans".


Starting to think he might get away with this as there's no appetite to be having a go at him, either by the media or neutral fans. Shit, I've even seen United fans reluctantly sticking up for him.

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4 minutes ago, dave u said:

Weird that he seems to be getting more shit on here from Reds than he is from the wider football world.


Scanning through twitter and it's almost universally "Nunez fighting to protect his family" and not "stupid cunt fights with fans".


Starting to think he might get away with this as there's no appetite to be having a go at him, either by the media or neutral fans. Shit, I've even seen United fans reluctantly sticking up for him.

It just doesn’t look like that from the footage I’ve seen, but not saying I’m correct on it. Just looks like he’s waded into something at the end with tempers flaring and tried to deflect by saying he was protecting his family. 

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6 minutes ago, dave u said:

Weird that he seems to be getting more shit on here from Reds than he is from the wider football world.


Scanning through twitter and it's almost universally "Nunez fighting to protect his family" and not "stupid cunt fights with fans".


Starting to think he might get away with this as there's no appetite to be having a go at him, either by the media or neutral fans. Shit, I've even seen United fans reluctantly sticking up for him.

Theres also a weird code of backing specific reds at any costs, which is fine, but then you get the Stephen Warnocks of the world missing out on this benefit.

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Just now, Curly said:

Theres also a weird code of backing specific reds at any costs, which is fine, but then you get the Stephen Warnocks of the world missing out on this benefit.


My point wasn't so much about Reds having a go at him, it was more about how the wider football world isn't putting the boot in on him (not yet anyway) and how I find that surprising, not to mention encouraging as there doesn't seem to be any clamour to have the book thrown at him. 


To your point, current Reds might get backed at any cost, but ex Reds tend to get more shit for their punditry than anybody else. As soon as they say anything critical some fans start circling the wagons, like in Warnock's case (and others like Murphy, Beglin, Owen, Carragher etc).

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Just now, Code said:

The one thing that can save the situation though is that it’s the CONMEBOL who is the organizer and not FIFA, UEFA or the FA. 


Ok that's good. It probably will save him, as they won't have jurisdiction to ban him from club football, plus the fact that their shitty organisation caused the whole thing so they may want it to just go away.

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10 minutes ago, aws said:

I can’t see how any ban would apply to club football.  


It would open a huge can of worms legally, you'd imagine.


Whoever was in charge of security at that game will be very hopeful that it's all quickly forgotten about.

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4 minutes ago, dave u said:


My point wasn't so much about Reds having a go at him, it was more about how the wider football world isn't putting the boot in on him (not yet anyway) and how I find that surprising, not to mention encouraging as there doesn't seem to be any clamour to have the book thrown at him. 


To your point, current Reds might get backed at any cost, but ex Reds tend to get more shit for their punditry than anybody else. As soon as they say anything critical some fans start circling the wagons, like in Warnock's case (and others like Murphy, Beglin, Owen, Carragher etc).

I don’t know what punishment he should get really, but I’m just not buying the fact he waded that far into the stand to protect his family. You’d just grab them and get off. If it was true, and I’m only speculating as I obviously don’t know, but his family would have been left behind him amongst the crowd still. Counter productive. I don’t love the lad as a footballer or personality anyway - some we warm to more than others, but he’s not really for me. I get why some do love him though 

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