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Should we sign him?   

175 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we sign him?

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5 hours ago, etho said:

Oh you were there? You don’t know that you’re chatting nonsense as usual. I admire his actions.

No I wasn’t there. I’ve watched the video, where he leaps like a gazelle into the stands, speaks to his partner at the bottom of the stairs (as stated on the first video in the thread on this) and then runs into a melee. 

I’m not how running about trying throw a chair is protecting his family. 

Chatting nonsense or making an opinion based on facts… you might admire his actions, I think he’s a fucking idiot.

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18 minutes ago, Caramac said:

Slightly disappointed that Luis and his teeth didn’t feature more in this.


I was expecting video footage from 15 different angles, I have to say I'm disappointed mate. 

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3 hours ago, Arniepie said:

The fact that he is getting called a brainless idiot for trying to protect his family, shows the debate for objective debate is long gone



No issue with that

After that going back to lob a chair in though, is fucking brainless

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14 minutes ago, dave u said:

Code absolutely weighing in on this when we all know he'd be singing from a completely different hymn sheet if it was a player he liked. 

I have nothing against Nunez.


But the players I really like would not do anything as stupid as this though. If they did I would call them out for it, because if he gets suspended it’s damaging for the team.


He pushed a police woman ffs, I’m worried what will happen here. If he had not acted like an idiot, there would be nothing to worry about.

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People do crazy things in the heat of the moment, no one knows what was or was not said. If you think a loved one is in danger you sometimes react without thinking.

Maybe having kids can give someone a better insight. Not defending him by the way but we all react differently. 
Another angle is he was pissed off that after the chances he missed he would be hammered, well he is now anyway. Clearly lost his head. 
On a selfish note a ban would obviously badly hurt us.

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2 minutes ago, Trojan1892 said:

Be knocking out wanks for days of it was Salah steaming in accompanied with his round by round fight stats and nice graph displaying his power punches, hooks and jab landed.

Salah was shit in the Euros lad.

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25 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

People do crazy things in the heat of the moment, no one knows what was or was not said. If you think a loved one is in danger you sometimes react without thinking.

Maybe having kids can give someone a better insight. Not defending him by the way but we all react differently. 
Another angle is he was pissed off that after the chances he missed he would be hammered, well he is now anyway. Clearly lost his head. 
On a selfish note a ban would obviously badly hurt us.

Protecting family is natural and of course acceptable - as a father I'd do anything to protect my lad - I am sure all parents feel same.


The other stuff, losing his head because he has the nark over losing/missing chances etc is all well and good and again natural and understandable...It isn't however, natural, understandable or acceptable to go round kicking off and throwing chairs around as a result.


We don't know yet exactly what happened, the full circumstances etc - but it does not look good from what we have seen IMHO. The chair stuff is terrible behaviour, bang out of line.


This is just not on:





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50 minutes ago, dave u said:

"I have nothing against Nunez" hahahaha ok.

He can eat babies for all I care as long as its not to detriment of the team and our results.


If he gets a long time ban, because he acts like an idiot, its not good for us, so then I will obviously point out this possibility.

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4 hours ago, Binomial said:


They made their way pitchside before any harm could come to them but they were still amidst of group fighting between 2 sets of fans.....all it takes is a fan to be shoved/punched, fall backwards not knowing what/who was behind and knock over a mother holding her child, like any fucking parent would be concerned.....Darwin as a father clearly cares deeply for their safety and clearly it's not in his danger to sit back and wait for useless security to show up, plus we don't know if he managed to see/speak to his wife/child before going up in the stands to confront the mobs.

Obviously,seeing his kids in the midst of that he should have calmy walked out and ignore the people who were attacking them. 

Any normal father would.

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3 hours ago, an tha said:

I can absolutely understand defending him for going into crowd if his family was really in danger as most sane people would probably do the same. But how can you defend the attempted chair throw? That's just pure stupidity from him.

No argument..but we all know he is a hot head 

However I Iove the way certain posters know exactly  they would react if they saw their kids in danger.

Like I said it just shows how ridiculous the debate about him has become.

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36 minutes ago, Trojan1892 said:

Be knocking out wanks for days if it was Salah steaming in accompanied with his round by round fight stats and nice graph displaying his power punches, hooks and jab landed.

Why bring Salah into a discussion about Nunez behaving like a neanderthal in the US?


Salah was not even on the same continent.


Talk about being obsessed. 

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1 minute ago, Code said:

Why bring Salah into a discussion about Nunez behaving like a neanderthal in the US?


Salah was not even on the same continent.


Talk about being obsessed. 

How do you know he wasn’t on the same continent? Been following him eh eh eh!

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