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Should we sign him?   

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  1. 1. Should we sign him?

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2 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

The fact that he is getting called a brainless idiot for trying to protect his family, shows the debate for objective debate is long gone


They’ll be criticising his punching xG next.

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31 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Darwin attacking a drug cartel (I don't like to generalise but let's be honest here) with a bra on is the most Nunez thing I've ever seen.

Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa I’ve loved him since he started shouting “puta!!!” At the Newcastle bench after Milners late penalty winner. He’d only been at the club 5 minutes and I’m sure it was when he was suspended for headbutting a Palace player 



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26 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

The fact that he is getting called a brainless idiot for trying to protect his family, shows the debate for objective debate is long gone


Protect his family? If he was thinking about protecting his family he would find them and escort them onto the pitch.


Try and be serious for a second please and stop making up excuses for this tool. 



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1 hour ago, Binomial said:

I'm sure they'll be action taken by FIFA - it's FIFA afterall, If they were sensible about this, a 50k fine for both their FAs and both nations ordered to play next few games behind closed doors, let it die down. Job done. Learn your lesson, get security in for the final (which we can hopefully enjoy) and for the love of God keep the fans apart, it shouldn't be too difficult. 

it actually is quite difficult to do that in the US, given the culture there. There’s nothing stopping anyone buying any tickets in any section. 

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Uruguay's Nuñez and Ronald Araujo were among the players at the forefront of the melee. Captain Jose Maria Gimenez  said the players were trying to defend their families.

"Let me say something before they cut you off because they won't let us speak into the microphone, they don't want me to say anything about what's going on but this is a disaster," Giménez said on the official broadcast. "Please be careful, our families are in the stands, there are little newborn babies. It was a disaster; there was no police and we had to defend our families".

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13 minutes ago, Code said:

So where are Nunez kids and wife/girlfriend then?


Some people really are gullible.




They made their way pitchside before any harm could come to them but they were still amidst of group fighting between 2 sets of fans.....all it takes is a fan to be shoved/punched, fall backwards not knowing what/who was behind and knock over a mother holding her child, like any fucking parent would be concerned.....Darwin as a father clearly cares deeply for their safety and clearly it's not in his danger to sit back and wait for useless security to show up, plus we don't know if he managed to see/speak to his wife/child before going up in the stands to confront the mobs.

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8 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:




OH my fuckin God, is this for real? Hahahahahahaha…


Yes maybe he should have found his kid straight away then instead of jumping up in the stand looking for a fight instead of actually looking after his kid.


Get real. 

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Let’s see what comes of it before we hang him out to dry eh. A shit video is not evidence, it will be investigated and other footage will be looked at. He like the others were either fucking stupid or looking to protect their families which could be untrue.

It will all come out. A lot wading in here is it because of his ‘sitter’ missing or going into the crowd? Or is it both? By the way I’m not his biggest fan.

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13 minutes ago, Binomial said:


They made their way pitchside before any harm could come to them but they were still amidst of group fighting between 2 sets of fans.....all it takes is a fan to be shoved/punched, fall backwards not knowing what/who was behind and knock over a mother holding her child, like any fucking parent would be concerned.....Darwin as a father clearly cares deeply for their safety and clearly it's not in his danger to sit back and wait for useless security to show up, plus we don't know if he managed to see/speak to his wife/child before going up in the stands to confront the mobs.

Here you can see him entering the stands, not trying to protect his family in any shape or form, just looking for a fight, nothing else. 

There are even police there, but Nunez pushes the police woman away because he wants to fight.




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4 minutes ago, Code said:

maybe he should have found his kid straight away then instead of jumping up in the stand looking for a fight instead of actually looking after his kid.




The wife would have given him hell for leaving the daughter behind but I guess it was an option.

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2 hours ago, Arniepie said:

The fact that he is getting called a brainless idiot for trying to protect his family, shows the debate for objective debate is long gone


I can absolutely understand defending him for going into crowd if his family was really in danger as most sane people would probably do the same. But how can you defend the attempted chair throw? That's just pure stupidity from him.

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14 minutes ago, an tha said:

I can absolutely understand defending him for going into crowd if his family was really in danger as most sane people would probably do the same. But how can you defend the attempted chair throw? That's just pure stupidity from him.

He realised he was expected to hit the target and his arse went.

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