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Should we sign him?   

175 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we sign him?

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The best thing that can happen for us is that he gets banned and we have to buy another striker.


Sometimes you need a bit of luck to force you into a decision you wouldn't already have made. 


He's not good enough and Slot thinking he is after having 2 years of videos on him is more worrying. 

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4 minutes ago, Code said:

I would be really surprised if we see him on the pitch in 2024 at all after that.


What a brainless idiot?


If you protect your family you get them onto the pitch, you dont go wading in like some lowlife hooligan.


Reminded me of this.





You see that type of choreographed dance up and down the country every Saturday during the season. Waterloo and Euston station are always good to see a few dance troupes. 

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1 hour ago, TD_LFC said:

Is anyone arguing they were sitters or is that you framing the argument.


Actually you're right, it's very much like trying to reason with Brexit voters, though perhaps not in the way you think.

I think you thought you were saying something intelligent there but, you weren’t. He’s being criticised for missing 2 ‘easy chances’ on multiple posts in the thread. My point was they weren’t easy chances aka ‘sitters’. 

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3 hours ago, Anubis said:




Fully behind him protecting his family, but he’s got to go because he can’t finish an ice cream cornet.


This clip doesn't really show him doing much of anything does it, gets to the front of the line and sticks his arm out to push the hooligans back and then looks like he ducks a punch from a coward. 


I mean, unless I'm missing something....is that it? To English fans this is supposed to be ground breaking news front and back of every tabloid over a recent triple homicide, for south Americans this was just another Wednesday night. 

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Just now, etho said:

I think you thought you were saying something intelligent there but, you weren’t. He’s being criticised for missing 2 ‘easy chances’ on multiple posts in the thread. My point was they weren’t easy chances aka ‘sitters’. 


He's being criticised for doing it consistently and seemingly not learning or improving.


By constantly trying to boil it down to a single instance to act like it's a one off does you a disservice.

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13 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


I'll just stand in goal, you'll get tired of him missing me eventually.

Exactly the type of boring response I expected. Twat.

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From what I’ve seen he’s not the only player wading in so you’d have to assume they were genuinely worried about their families. If they do get banned then I hope whoever was responsible for crowd safety is done as well. Notice not a single policeman anywhere near all the while it was going on. Could have turned out much much worse.

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4 minutes ago, No2 said:

Exactly the type of boring response I expected. Twat.


Not sure why you're getting angry at me, the thing people like you don't seem to understand is that if he was doing what he was supposed to do people wouldn't be able to criticise.


At some point you have to be honest with yourselves and admit that this 2 year span isn't what you envisaged when we paid the initial 65 million (now 75m plus) and it's ok to stop pretending he's amazing and everything you'd hoped.


I've already said I'm cautiously optimistic that Slot can get something out of him next season but that's not based on any hard evidence, it's just hope that we don't get another season where he's shit, has a purple patch for you to cling on too and ends the season on the bench, for the third year in a row.

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1 minute ago, TD_LFC said:


Not sure why you're getting angry at me, the thing people like you don't seem to understand is that if he was doing what he was supposed to do people wouldn't be able to criticise.


At some point you have to be honest with yourselves and admit that this 2 year span isn't what you envisaged when we paid the initial 65 million (now 75m plus) and it's ok to stop pretending he's amazing and everything you'd hoped.

I've posted previously that I've check out on him. It's not about Darwin, it's you and your boring repetitive shite in this thread. I hope he kicks your head in or hits you with a chair.

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4 minutes ago, AHA said:

From what I’ve seen he’s not the only player wading in so you’d have to assume they were genuinely worried about their families. If they do get banned then I hope whoever was responsible for crowd safety is done as well. Notice not a single policeman anywhere near all the while it was going on. Could have turned out much much worse.


No issue either, the issue for him might come if, as mentioned in some quarters, he then went back.


But nobody really knows what the full series of events were.



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7 minutes ago, No2 said:

I've posted previously that I've check out on him. It's not about Darwin, it's you and your boring repetitive shite in this thread. I hope he kicks your head in or hits you with a chair.


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Still more annoyed by England going though last night than anything I've seen from the aftermath of the Uruguay Colombia game.


Of course us Brits have to take something being thousands of miles away and turn it into something that could spiral into the next holocaust. 



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32 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


He's being criticised for doing it consistently and seemingly not learning or improving.


By constantly trying to boil it down to a single instance to act like it's a one off does you a disservice.

Cool story but this particular conversation wasn’t a general one about the general perception of Darwin and whether you think he’s good or not, which clearly is quite a polarised discussion. It was initiated specifically on the basis of last nights game, and those 2 shots. So that was what I was commenting on

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8 minutes ago, etho said:

Cool story but this particular conversation wasn’t a general one about the general perception of Darwin and whether you think he’s good or not, which clearly is quite a polarised discussion. It was initiated specifically on the basis of last nights game, and those 2 shots. So that was what I was commenting on


Which is framed against the wider context of 'this is what he does' nobody is saying he HAS to score from there but he has to do a damn site better and work the keeper which he often fails to do.


Last night being a case in point




Brazil being better with two blocked shots that would have been on target but still didn't play well overall




USA being completely ineffective




Since his little flurry of 7 games (where he was still missing, or off target with shots he shouldn't be but as least putting a few in) he's dropped off a cliff and it's something we've seen at club level.

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Yes that utterly tedious and obvious point has been made by literally everyone 10000 times over the past 314 pages of this thread. Unless you want to repeat yourself a few more times?


This particular discussion was initiated on the basis of a specific event, and it was that specific event I was commenting on, in isolation. I wasn’t reopening the same tedious conversation to repeat my pro/anti Darwin Biases.



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I'm sure they'll be action taken by FIFA - it's FIFA afterall, If they were sensible about this, a 50k fine for both their FAs and both nations ordered to play next few games behind closed doors, let it die down. Job done. Learn your lesson, get security in for the final (which we can hopefully enjoy) and for the love of God keep the fans apart, it shouldn't be too difficult. 

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Of course it was about last night though. He could have scored two really good goals, especially the second one would have been absolutely amazing.

Instead he missed both. As per always.

I really don’t understand how he doesn’t absolutely do your nut in.

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6 minutes ago, etho said:

Yes that utterly tedious and obvious point has been made by literally everyone 10000 times over the past 314 pages of this thread. Unless you want to repeat yourself a few more times?


This particular discussion was initiated on the basis of a specific event, and it was that specific event I was commenting on, in isolation. I wasn’t reopening the same tedious conversation to repeat my pro/anti Darwin Biases.


The whole premise is disingenuous because you know full well that Scott's frustration wasn't based on that single shot but that it was a culmination of multiple factors, a showcase of pure Nunez, instead of the aberration or unfair criticism of a one off you want to frame it as.

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