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Should we sign him?   

175 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we sign him?

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6 minutes ago, SasaS said:

Is nobody worried he will now get a lengthy ban which won't be reduced to internationals?

Worried / relieved.


Delete as appropriate. 

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I think there's a very real chance he gets banned from all football. 

Most of us would do what he did though to protect family and friends.

The video that makes this worse is the one where he steams in with a chair like Stone Cold Steve Austin.

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Unsurprisingly his international form seems to follow his club form, 3 goals in 18 games, then a flurry of 10 in 7, now he seems to be back to type with two really bad performances.


At club level (with us at least) this would be the precursor to him cutting an increasingly forlorn figure before ending the season on the bench and everyone pointing to the little purple patch and trying to say that's who he really is when more of his time is spent not doing it.


No real comment on what happened after the match, don't know what the inciting incident is, only get to see it mid-flight and don't know how I'd react in a similar situation.

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50 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I don’t know what to say. 

I think we need to cut our losses. 

That is the definition of mental. Missing from 20 yards for the national team provokes that comment. 

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This is in the telegraph along with the text underneath that says : "Darwin Nunez goes into full combat mode amid ugly scenes in Charlotte, North Carolina." Haha, it might not ever work out for him here but he's definitely delivered some legendary madness.



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4 minutes ago, etho said:

That is the definition of mental. Missing from 20 yards for the national team provokes that comment. 


It's not though is it, I know there's a concerted effort to try and minimize what he does to individual moments so you can treat them as one offs and it makes them easy to defend but the picture, and body of evidence, is much bigger than that.


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I’ve just re-watched and neither of those are sitters? Especially deserving of the level of responses. First was a great run first touch and unlucky, second one is 23 yards out?!


It’s like trying to reason with a brexit or reform voter

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Is anyone arguing they were sitters or is that you framing the argument.


Actually you're right, it's very much like trying to reason with Brexit voters, though perhaps not in the way you think.

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If he was protecting his family, good on him.


I want him sold because he's inconsistent. You can't rely on him. Yes, he is world class on brief moments, but he is the only player you would never rely on. He's the player on the opponents team that you think if he turns up he could be horrible to play against today. He's a match of the day player for a midtable team who catches your eye in those moments because you're not intently watching him.


Him out and Watkins in would be ideal.

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Bit snide to use an international tournament to have a go at him. 

If that’s the new measure of our players, we’ll finish about 9th next season judging by their collective efforts in the Euros and the Copa.


Can’t think of one who’s set the world alight.


Concerns about him are very valid, but let’s not kick him when he’s down.

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Just now, El Rojo said:

Bit snide to use an international tournament to have a go at him. 

If that’s the new measure of our players, we’ll finish about 9th next season judging by their collective efforts in the Euros and the Copa.


Can’t think of one who’s set the world alight.


Concerns about him are very valid, but let’s not kick him when he’s down.


But praising him earlier in the tournament for playing well was fair game?


Isn't it more honest to do both?

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Just now, TD_LFC said:


But praising him earlier in the tournament for playing well was fair game?


Isn't it more honest to do both?

I didn’t do either. How any of them fare in internationals is largely irrelevant. 


Szloboszlai’s another one who many have decided is rubbish because he couldn’t single-handedly lead his average team to greater heights. 

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