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Should we sign him?   

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  1. 1. Should we sign him?

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25 minutes ago, Mook said:


It's almost a Pavlovian fervour to see him do badly though, from Liverpool 'supporters'.

Think most people are sick of seeing it and would much rather he did well on a consistent basis, would be a welcome fucking change.

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30 minutes ago, Mook said:


It's almost a Pavlovian fervour to see him do badly though, from Liverpool 'supporters'.


I don't think there has ever been a Liverpool player shown more support than Nunez.


7 minutes ago, Binomial said:


A lazy point that fans only use as and when it suits them, plus my counter argument was distinguishing between club and country. He's doing everything he can to lead Uruguay to the Copa America, yet every turn you take it seems impossible for people to be happy for him.  


El Pais - "Darwin 2 in 2 at the Copa America as Uruguay hit Bolivia for 5"

Liverpool fans - "Yeah but how many chances did he need"


Trent and Mo are 100x more scrutinsed than Szobo or Ibou, so why is that if 'exceptional price comes with exceptional scrutiny' 


Because they have more history with the club than the other two?


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Nunez is fucking boss. Only a fair weather fan who sniffs nappies then puts them back in their pocket would disagree. 

I asked Ian Callaghan what he thought of him last week and he said “he’s electric isn’t he” I said yeah he’s in a family full of eccentrics which went right over his head.

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26 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Nunez is fucking boss. Only a fair weather fan who sniffs nappies then puts them back in their pocket would disagree. 

I asked Ian Callaghan what he thought of him last week and he said “he’s electric isn’t he” I said yeah he’s in a family full of eccentrics which went right over his head.

Bit gay

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3 hours ago, SasaS said:


I don't think there has ever been a Liverpool player shown more support than Nunez.


I think loads have been more support, but his support in the ground has been decent. Online is a different story, people have been slaughtering him from our own fan base since he got blisters on his feet prior to his preseason first game and it's never stopped. There's plenty of gobshites on this thread have shown a similar attitude. 

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On a serious note, I sincerely hope that 2 years and a change in manager is whats needed for him to turn it around and become the striker people want him to be instead of the striker who starts slowly has a purple patch and then see's his performances drop to such alarming levels that he struggles for game time like the last two years.


We need the goals and a functioning forward player.

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1 hour ago, SasaS said:




Is that Latin for cunts?


3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Nunez is fucking boss. Only a fair weather fan who sniffs nappies then puts them back in their pocket would disagree. 

I asked Ian Callaghan what he thought of him last week and he said “he’s electric isn’t he” I said yeah he’s in a family full of eccentrics which went right over his head.

Beans on your breakfast everyday when I come to power.

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18 hours ago, SasaS said:


I don't think there has ever been a Liverpool player shown more support than Nunez.

Part of that is fans pushing back against the people who immediately and constantly call him a donkey and a shit Andy Carroll. 


Tends to go from support, to militant defence to make up for the negativity. 

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