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The Monster Munch Showdown


Don't pick Pickled Onion just to act hard in the same way Lifetime Fan blags he prefers HP over Ketchup. Be Honest.   

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Don't pick Pickled Onion just to act hard in the same way Lifetime Fan blags he prefers HP over Ketchup. Be Honest. Poll closes 2 weeks from now.

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  • Poll closed on 23/05/22 at 22:16

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I love them all. Used to get Flamin' hot from the vending machine at work,  but ever since 2017 I've WFH permanently and never buy them from the shop. 

BBQ were my personal fave but my Grandad always loved Pickled Onion and he was a red who took me to games so for that reason Pickled Onion win. 
Thanks Grandad. 

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Pickled onion and a can of fizzy vimto, my mid morning work break sorted. 


The crisp shortage a few months ago had me panic buying if i saw them and rationing (hiding them from the rest of the house) them when i was able to buy them. There is currently a full six pack and a single left over from a multipack in the cupboard. All of the beef and flaming hot remain. Clearly pickled onion flavour wins. 

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3 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

They're all great but those family sized bags containing 12 smaller, individual bags (4 of each flavour) are where the action is.


The trick is to open the family sized bag and then all the individual bags and then pour all of them into the big empty bag for a jubilee Monster Munch mash up of gargantuan proportions.

So the pickled onion ones taint everything else?

No ta.

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22 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:





Pickled Onions fucking stink. They got the smell of the Pickled onion flavour bang on.

Would you stick your tongue down a birds throat after she'd been eating them?

They'd overpower garlic.


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6 minutes ago, Harry's Lad said:

Would you stick your tongue down a birds throat after she'd been eating them?

Yes, but even better if I got the opportunity to do it while she was still eating them. My tongue would be happy to share a throat with a Pickled Onion Monster Munch. 

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14 minutes ago, Harry's Lad said:


Pickled Onions fucking stink. They got the smell of the Pickled onion flavour bang on.

Would you stick your tongue down a birds throat after she'd been eating them?

They'd overpower garlic.


Yes, yes I would.

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2 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

Yes, but even better if I got the opportunity to do it while she was still eating them. My tongue would be happy to share a throat with a Pickled Onion Monster Munch. 


2 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Yes, yes I would.

Fucking pickled onion fetishists. I thought I'd seen it all.

Perverts. No other word to describe you.

But this is the GF, you'll consider that a compliment.

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