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For the best part of thirty years I followed Liverpool home and away. Many adventures, fabulous highs, some lows that are still with me. 

Haven’t been for a few years. I still love our team as deeply as ever, but rarely miss going to the games. 

I wish I could be there today though. These are the days my friends. 

Safe travels to all who are going. Bring it home for those of us who are not. 

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Good atmosphere all over here. I wore my retro 70 jersey to go to my local market this morning, all the sellers were asking questions about Liverpool, and for the old lads of course, they often have a soft spot for Liverpool because of Saint-Etienne. It’s funny, they list and usually you don’t like the team that beats you, but somehow something happened, and Liverpool was supported. I’m sure it has to do with the kop …,

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20 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

I hate the way this kid gets stick off Reds. Just look at this from Madrid 


AMAZING scenes: Jamie Webster and 50,000 Reds take over Madrid! | #BOSSArchive - YouTube






Totally agree, that's one cool way to work the crowd, genuinely brought tears to my eyes after the second verse of the original.

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