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Fan park crazy. Difficult to estimate numbers but there were probably more fans outside the fan park trying to get in. Police were checking everyone to get in. Could be over 300k reds in Paris. Every single bar is rammed full of Liverpool fans 


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I was there there were places with few people , but it was packed mostly. And lots of people outside. 

It’s shameful for the French, RER on strike, stewards who aren’t food enough to let people in ….

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Got back about 3pm


Absolutely shite weekend.


Wasn't caught up in problems last night myself, but lads i travelled were....and after game was no fun either.


Paris is a fucking shithole.


The organisation of game and everything around it was abysmal....it was like we were simply not welcome and game was an invconvenience/afterthought - disdain and disinterest were what met us and the occasion.


The French police were every bit as bad as expected.


The rats of Paris were out in force causing all sorts of agg...old fella at our hotel this morning was telling us how he was mugged.


Just horrible.


Will share some more in depth stuff about weekend later in week, too pissed off and tired now.

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Sorry lads for the bad experience down here. It all started so well in the afternoon and the night before. 

I went to the fanzone with my daughter, my son could not come as he was playing footie, she just loved it ! 


Hopefully those who are responsible for that will be charged.


it’s good to see that media all over are asking the right questions.





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3 hours ago, an tha said:

Got back about 3pm


Absolutely shite weekend.


Wasn't caught up in problems last night myself, but lads i travelled were....and after game was no fun either.


Paris is a fucking shithole.


The organisation of game and everything around it was abysmal....it was like we were simply not welcome and game was an invconvenience/afterthought - disdain and disinterest were what met us and the occasion.


The French police were every bit as bad as expected.


The rats of Paris were out in force causing all sorts of agg...old fella at our hotel this morning was telling us how he was mugged.


Just horrible.


Will share some more in depth stuff about weekend later in week, too pissed off and tired now.

Sorry to hear that. Glad you’re home safe though.

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3 hours ago, suzy said:

Sorry to hear that. Glad you’re home safe though.


Fortunately we are old enough, well travelled and wise enough to have kept out of harms way, bit i will be honest with you i have never felt less safe leaving a footy match as did last night - could taste the edge in the air and needed wits about us....


Tesr gas was lingering in air, gangs of local scallies looking to pick people off and a police force about as friendly/helpful as daleks.


Zero signage - no stewards, no directional help - traffic everywhere not giving a fuck about who may hit...we walked to find a quietish street away from all the chaos with no idea where we were heading - took us about 45 mins to get to somewhere and that somewhere was a very dodgy looking part of town - gangs of kids were looking for a bit of action...fortunately 3 over 6ft tall fellas were not something they fancied, but we were taking no chances.......We managed to get on uber and book a car to our hotel - initial price was 29 EUR but then flashed up "due to demand price had expired" and it went up to 64 EUR....we happily accepted and all agreed as much of a rip of as was 20 each to get the fuck out of dodge was a "bargain of sorts"....

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I found thst most of the parisians welcomed us. All the bar and cafe owners seemed happy enough. Had a laugh with the french watching the rugby. The police though were fucking pissed off from very early on. Got the fuck away from the fan park about 4pm as could see it turning nasty later on

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I was told that the SDF hired a lot of private police, they are not trained correctly and don’t have enough experience, and they don’t work well with the regular police. So when all the logistics went wrong, there  were nobody good enough to fix issues that weren’t that big a deal at first. They kept making wrong decision which ended up in a total fiasco. Hope heads will fall and the government will apologize.


The chairman of the Liverpool French branch, who happens to be Argentinian, was on many news channels explaining almost all the ticketless fans who were trying to bunk in weren’t Liverpool fans but mostly lads from local areas. 
The lies and the first narrative on Liverpool fans’ responsability have caved in.

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I didn’t travel in the end and it’s a sad thing to say I’m glad in retrospect.

Some will have been attending their first euro final and regardless of the result, that should have been an experience to remember for all the good reasons.

Plainly for many it wasn’t.

I don’t expect UEFA or the French authorities will give a flying fuck about that though, heads will be buried in the sand and the sound of “La-La-La” will be heard until we go away.

Or their “ independent” report if it ever comes will apportion blame to the fans as much as the perpetrators.


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Just been speaking to the fella in our hotel here. He was saying there that St Denis is known by all people in Paris as a place that you do not go. Said even the bizzies are scared of the locals there. When you look at some of the footage you can tell that they are not Liverpool fans. As we got gassed the second time my mate had his phone and wallet robbed. There was hundreds of them trying to bunk in. It was an absolute shit show 

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I'm surprised there's been so little on here about what happened at the game. I think our overall experience was better than that of @an tha - in fact I would say we had a great trip up to the point we got off the RER at St Denis on Saturday evening. 


However, we did deliberately choose to stay out of the way. I've had enough of the French police before this trip and knew the secret to a good time was staying out of the way of the noise. We stayed in oberkampf and there were plenty of bars around there and Friday night was brilliant and then we found a bar that gave us a lock in - there were plenty of us and it was small and the staff just partied with us. An absolutely cracking night. 


On the day of the game, we headed up to tour Eiffel about lunch time as one of my mates wanted pictures there. Then the RER brought us into St Michel. It was pretty calm there, so we settled down outside a cafe with good beer and spent the day. There were some Liverpool and Madrid fans, all good natured and plenty of singing. 


Then the shitshow started at the stadium. The first line to get past, all these local youths were allowed to just mix in and try to pick pocket people, they were called out to the police who just laughed. They were even letting them pick pocket as you had your hands up to be searched by the police to get through - one of them almost got my mates phone but he managed to grab him. Once up at the ground, local kids were trying to climb in and they just shut all the gates. It was fucking chaos. I've been in worse situations, including in France, but it was up there. 


When we left the match the path to the station as you first come out is a little like Wembley way, with something underneath. As we walked through the police just started throwing canisters of tear gas at us from below onto the top road as we walked out. It was all peaceful. Then loads of police just blocked the path going through a tunnel to the station. It was chaos. 


If what @arnaud says is right and they've hired "private" police, it would seem more likely they've just hired thugs. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the police were trying to get us to start a riot and as time passed their tactics got more indiscriminate to try and force the issue. My personal feeling is they should be banned by uefa for any future events. But that clearly won't happen. The French ministry are already out there this morning blaming ticketless fans. Utter fucking scum. 

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