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Has lockdown fucked people up?


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Mr Suzy and I often say people have gone mad since Covid. The first time I went to a local theatre after lockdown I was really disappointed as so many people were talking during the show. 
It’s like people don’t know how to behave anymore.

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I don't think it's Covid that's fucking people up. For me, the blame can be mostly attributed to social media and the increasingly aggressive - and unapologetic - rhetoric coming from certain politicians. The 'live, laugh, love' types who feel the the world revolves around them have simply used this as an excuse for their selfish behaviour. Add into that mix their kids, who are playing second fiddle for attention to a fucking mobile phone, and it's no wonder we're seeing problems.

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1 hour ago, Rushies tash said:

I don't think it's Covid that's fucking people up. For me, the blame can be mostly attributed to social media and the increasingly aggressive - and unapologetic - rhetoric coming from certain politicians. The 'live, laugh, love' types who feel the the world revolves around them have simply used this as an excuse for their selfish behaviour. Add into that mix their kids, who are playing second fiddle for attention to a fucking mobile phone, and it's no wonder we're seeing problems.


It sped up the process of this kind of shit replacing, or taking a larger role, in people's lives though.


Two years of people being locked inside and watching fucking nonsense on the internet 24/7. Fewer conversations in real life to challenge it, replaced instead with online echo chambers. 


Fuck knows what the future looks like. The only optimism is that the youth of the today seem significantly less hateful than people of older generations. 

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4 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


It sped up the process of this kind of shit replacing, or taking a larger role, in people's lives though.


Two years of people being locked inside and watching fucking nonsense on the internet 24/7. Fewer conversations in real life to challenge it, replaced instead with online echo chambers. 


Fuck knows what the future looks like. The only optimism is that the youth of the today seem significantly less hateful than people of older generations. 

I probably agree with your last paragraph. These days though its not uncommon to see,mostly,a couple of lads who are mates walking along but instead of talking to each other they are both looking at and playing on their phones. They are literally shoulder to shoulder yet barely utter a word. Girls,it seems,can both play on their phones and still talk non stop as well.

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1 hour ago, Rushies tash said:

I don't think it's Covid that's fucking people up. For me, the blame can be mostly attributed to social media and the increasingly aggressive - and unapologetic - rhetoric coming from certain politicians. The 'live, laugh, love' types who feel the the world revolves around them have simply used this as an excuse for their selfish behaviour. Add into that mix their kids, who are playing second fiddle for attention to a fucking mobile phone, and it's no wonder we're seeing problems.


Smartphones are one of the worst things to happen to mankind. As soon as you start to notice people staring zombie-like into screens you can't stop seeing it everywhere. And I'm probably as guilty as anyone, but I do try and stop myself. They're built to be addictive. 

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43 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I probably agree with your last paragraph. These days though its not uncommon to see,mostly,a couple of lads who are mates walking along but instead of talking to each other they are both looking at and playing on their phones. They are literally shoulder to shoulder yet barely utter a word. Girls,it seems,can both play on their phones and still talk non stop as well.


Yes, it's fucking depressing. 


However, the people who want to "sink the boats" and generally think they're on the same team as tax dodging billionaires tend to be over 40.

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1 hour ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I probably agree with your last paragraph. These days though its not uncommon to see,mostly,a couple of lads who are mates walking along but instead of talking to each other they are both looking at and playing on their phones. They are literally shoulder to shoulder yet barely utter a word. Girls,it seems,can both play on their phones and still talk non stop as well.

See plenty of adults doing that. Even couples holding hands. Who said romance is dead?

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1 hour ago, Jairzinho said:


Yes, it's fucking depressing. 


However, the people who want to "sink the boats" and generally think they're on the same team as tax dodging billionaires tend to be over 40.


Yeah it's true that, the two people who I'd say have been radicalised by YouTube etc are in their 40s and were sound as a pound until Covid conspiracy shit started up. 

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5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Yeah it's true that, the two people who I'd say have been radicalised by YouTube etc are in their 40s and were sound as a pound until Covid conspiracy shit started up. 

Yeah now it’s “question everything” which is absolutely right until you land on the same wavelength as battery powered cunts like Neil Oliver. 

One of my oldest mates from being a kid has started sharing posts on Facebook about them changing by the weather. It’s only the odd video where he doesn’t offer an opinion but I know I’m about to watch an otherwise spot on lad slowly turn into a church street preacher. 

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