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Carvalhal: Diaz will be one of the stars of the league next season


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Carlos Carvalhal has given a exciting insight into what to expect from Luis Diaz once the new signing finds his feet at Liverpool.


The Colombian international was signed in the closing days on the January window from Porto for £37.5 million on a five-year deal.


Liverpool have become known as one of the most savvy dealers in the transfer market, where they pinpoint a player who suits their needs and do their business with a minimum of fuss.


On the face of things, Diaz seems to be another smart signing. While the 25 year-old had been linked, not many were expecting the club to add to their squad in January.


But after getting word of some interest in the winger by Premier League rivals, the club pounced quickly and got their man who has scored 14 league goals and produced five assists this season.


Carvalhal is currently is the manager of Braga and therefore has seen the quality of Diaz from close quarters.


He spoke about what Liverpool fans can expect to see per the Mail.




“He will be one of the stars of the league next season,


“He was the best player in the league last season, he did absolutely fantastic, he played on the left side with a right-foot.


'He scores goals, he's very intense, especially in attack. He's a fantastic player.'


The experienced Portuguese manager has almost exclusively managed in his homeland.


However he knows the landscape in England having spent a couple of seasons at Sheffield Wednesday where he guided the Owls into the playoffs in the 2016/7 season where they were defeated by Huddersfield. While he also had half a season in charge of Swansea City in the 2017/8 Premier League campaign.


Carvalhal spoke how Jurgen Klopp will look to exploit the strengths of Diaz.




“We all know how Liverpool play. It's like when you have a number on your shoes, you're a number eight for example, and you look at the shoes and say they're exactly my number. That is Luis Diaz to Livepool.


'He is dynamic, fast, very strong, creative, and very good one-on-one.' 


As one player with exciting qualities joins the club, it remains to be seen whether we have seen the last of Nat Phillips in the club colours.


The popular central defender has joined Championship club AFC Bournemouth on loan for the rest of the season.


After being a key pillar to Liverpool securing Champions League Football last season, the lack of game time for Phillips has been evident during this season making just three first team appearances, and therefore a move in January had been mooted for a while.


Speaking after making the move to the South Coast club, Phillips described the difficulties of watching on from the sidelines.




“I've had a period now where I've not seen a great deal of football or minutes. As a player, that's what you want to be doing. I'm hoping that, by coming here, I will get the opportunity to do so.


"It is true, it is difficult when you're not playing and I found it difficult after getting a taste for regular football last year.


"To then go back to not playing as much is hard, but I recognise that I need to go and get some minutes elsewhere and hopefully this is a move that suits all parties.”


Klopp is a unabashed fan of Phillips and called him ‘one of the smartest players he has worked with.”


While he laughed off that claim, Nat spoke about the all-round impact that the German has had on him.


"The smartest players? I'm not sure about that.


"I've come across a lot of players who are very smart, but it is high praise. I would say that I have improved huge amounts in the time that I've been working underneath him [Klopp] and he's a great coach and manager.


"Off the field, he is a great person to have behind you. I am very fortunate to have benefited from that relationship with him."





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