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On 29/01/2022 at 12:53, Bjornebye said:

State of this muppet. Can't admit that he's a prejudiced cunt. 'Anti-Woke' but can't or won't give an example of what that means. 






Sadly there are fucking millions of beauts like that caller and they are currently being given more of a platform than ever.



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Just an extension of the initial step to withdraw the open API access to data. Always part of the plan and part of the reason I haven't really used it in over a year and would never upload any media to the platform. 


I haven't deleted my account though (soon), so here's my pre-AI version of this take:




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8 minutes ago, TheSire said:

If you write a post saying you don't comply, you win the rights.

I don't think that is the case anymore - a new TOS was a couple months ago and I think that opt out was only for their AI (Grok). They can also share that data with other companies for same use.



Even though the option to supposedly prevent Grok from using your posts is still available, the new TOS suggests that your artistic creations and text will still be used for AI training, regardless of your choice.



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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:


"I don't know the facts in this case, and I can't be arsed finding out. Instead, I'm going to make some stuff up, then pretend to get angry about it, while blowing dogwhistles for morons to respond to."

It's quite impressive how little she knows, whilst also agreeing with the school in principle,  to be that outraged by stuff.

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