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The Kings

Kevin D


25 members have voted

  1. 1. Well?

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4 hours ago, John102 said:

Still just the one vote for Leonard? This thread makes the posters in the Lucy Letby threads seem sane.

He was not in Hagler's class until that dodgy decision and Hagler had 'retired' beforehand. Leonard was probably 2nd though.

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On 26/06/2021 at 14:06, KMD7 said:

I used to think that (was absolutely fuming at the time) but after watching it again recently I think Leonard did enough to win. Amazing performance really considering it was his first fight in about 4 years.

And that's also because we gabbed about it for hours and days and I said to you watch it impartially with no sound at least once.

Then watch it again with commentary.

Then do your scoring round by round and don't look at it.

I've watched that fight about a hundred times.

Mostly the outcome was (apart from Stanley Christodoulou needing to be shot and then barred from scoring ever again)......"and the NEW Middleweight Champion of the World....Sugar Ray Leonard".

There was no JFK style conspiracy.

Apart from Christodoulou, the scoring was about right.

Leonard won the fight by a point or two.

Take away your preconceived ideas and your favouritism and watch the fight over.


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On 25/07/2024 at 17:25, Toxteth O'Grady said:

And that's also because we gabbed about it for hours and days and I said to you watch it impartially with no sound at least once.

Then watch it again with commentary.

Then do your scoring round by round and don't look at it.

I've watched that fight about a hundred times.

Mostly the outcome was (apart from Stanley Christodoulou needing to be shot and then barred from scoring ever again)......"and the NEW Middleweight Champion of the World....Sugar Ray Leonard".

There was no JFK style conspiracy.

Apart from Christodoulou, the scoring was about right.

Leonard won the fight by a point or two.

Take away your preconceived ideas and your favouritism and watch the fight over.


Nope. A draw for Leonard at best.

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