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Mark Drakeford


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22 hours ago, Anubis said:

Welsh Labour act like Labour for starters.

Yeah, i reckon that helps a lot. Plaid did really well too this time though, and with whats going on in NI, the calls for devolution will only grow unless central government is fully hauled over. Be interesting to see if both BJ and KS end up being charged, the impact of the next election could be quite something. 

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9 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

The Welsh Commie has been busy again. He's set up a National Music Service in the land of song, which gives free musical instruments to all schoolkids. 



So as well as Male Voice Choirs we will be flooded with future Welsh Ed Sheerans. Wont somebody please think of the children.

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He just popped up on the Welsh news (the Welsh politician, not Charlie or the American rapper) playing the clarinet with a bunch of schoolkids, they were making a right fucking racket tbh. Hmm I can see few pitfalls in this scheme. 


Here's our leader,



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  • 1 month later...
16 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Drakeford has also said he'll resist changes to UK law to allow agency staff to replace striking workers!


He's the real deal isn't he?

A progressive centre left leader of the Labour Party?

Can't see it catching on here


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12 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

That announcement went down well with the daily Telegraph.








A journo who went straight from uni to the nationals talking about how hard work is the key to elevating your socioeconomic status. That must have been some fucking good coursework that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your boy Drakeford delivering here, Gnasher. 

He’s at the centre of this story which also highlights how the media works. 

Reach PLC are terrible, and of course they own WalesOnline and Liverpool Echo and Manc Evening News. 

The Sons of Glyndwr took direct action about this to the extreme in the 1980s I vaguely recall? 

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16 hours ago, Kepler-186 said:

Your boy Drakeford delivering here, Gnasher. 

He’s at the centre of this story which also highlights how the media works. 

Reach PLC are terrible, and of course they own WalesOnline and Liverpool Echo and Manc Evening News. 

The Sons of Glyndwr took direct action about this to the extreme in the 1980s I vaguely recall? 


Slightly before my time but they did indeed. The Nationalists used to plot attacks from a public house from which i occasionally frequent. Rumours they had links to the IRA but possibly conjecture. Welsh Nationalism is on the rise in certain parts of Wales although i think that may be down to a lot of people now blaming the English people or saddling us with successive Conservative governments. 


The Daily Telegraph hate Mark Drakeford.

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11 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Slightly before my time but they did indeed. The Nationalists used to plot attacks from a public house from which i occasionally frequent. Rumours they had links to the IRA but possibly conjecture. Welsh Nationalism is on the rise in certain parts of Wales although i think that may be down to a lot of people now blaming the English people or saddling us with successive Conservative governments. 


The Daily Telegraph hate Mark Drakeford.

I remember their attacks from news reports in the 80s but really didn’t understand as I was a kid. I know an entire village and Welsh speaking community was moved for a reservoir for Liverpool, and there’s still some conjecture as the population rise in Liverpool didn’t materialise and the then corporation made money selling on the water. You might know more? 

Of course they hate him he seems an effective left wing leader. 




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31 minutes ago, Kepler-186 said:

I remember their attacks from news reports in the 80s but really didn’t understand as I was a kid. I know an entire village and Welsh speaking community was moved for a reservoir for Liverpool, and there’s still some conjecture as the population rise in Liverpool didn’t materialise and the then corporation made money selling on the water. You might know more? 

Of course they hate him he seems an effective left wing leader. 




I have heard the story but like you it was before my time. On the holiday/second home issue i think it's everywhere now. The price of property is astronomical. The bad feelings are exasperated in Wales because of the national government and brexit, both are obviously unpopular amongst young people who can't afford to buy a home. Not sure on the solution because Wales needs tourism and tourists. 

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2 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

I have heard the story but like you it was before my time. On the holiday/second home issue i think it's everywhere now. The price of property is astronomical. The bad feelings are exasperated in Wales because of the national government and brexit, both are obviously unpopular amongst young people who can't afford to buy a home. Not sure on the solution because Wales needs tourism and tourists. 

Yeah I saw a Politics North segment from Whitby (should’ve been North West but for reason it showed North last Sunday for a bit) and it’s the exact same problem.

Hell, even Barcelona has seen demos against AirBnB’s in certain neighbourhoods, and Liverpool has a problem with HMOs and the students. 

Like you say, no easy solution that works for everyone. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst the Eton crew were reducing democracy to a farce in Parliament yesterday Wales quietly announced more plans for extending help with the cost of living crisis to the citizens they represent. 





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  • 3 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Please please  please  someone make it stop


 Today's Daily Telegraph,





Well I don't know who Kara Kennedy is, but I know she's a cunt!


Hope they ban her from Wales!

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