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Mark Drakeford


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21 hours ago, TK-421 said:

He talks like this (puts on Drakeford voice):  the virus has been very naughty and if it comes near Wales again it will be sent to bed early with no hot chocolate.  It's a very naughty virus.  

I think he's a bit smarter than his demeanour projects.. ie this is how he talks to torys, with utter disdain,


"you've never been elected in this country and you're in the wilderness because its where you deserve to be" 


It'd be interesting to see him against Johnson.



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  • 3 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

"Most generous in the world" 


Takes big puff on spliff, puts on Liam Gallagher voice,  upsets Daily Mail readers,


"Fucking Ave It"



I have got a lot of time for Mr Drakeford, great idea, be interesting to see the outcome of the pilot.

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3 hours ago, Gnasher said:

"Most generous in the world" 


Takes big puff on spliff, puts on Liam Gallagher voice,  upsets Daily Mail readers,


"Fucking Ave It"





I’ve not read up on this properly yet but I hope there is emotional/financial/mental health support being offered too. 

A genuinely promising step though. 

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Are they still able to claim any benefits as well,if necessary? Or are they disqualified? 

Benefits aren't devolved like they are in Scotland. Yet whilst they're not able to offer benefits, they swerve around it with grants and extra subsidies. From September, every primary school age child will get free school meals, and then even in holidays they've ran SHEP for the last few years in many counties (it's under a new name now that i can't recall). Student finance for further education and student finance for higher education is much better, our nurses and NHS students still get bursaries. 

I love living in Wales, me.


And yes, Drakeford speaks like your grandad reading you a bedtime story, but he's on par with Thornbury when the vicious quips come out. Also like how Welsh Labour and Plaid working together are moving to wanting a more independent Wales. Welsh Labour and Labour are very different. 

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